Haruka Shii

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Gatunki literackie: Komiksy

Haruka Shii - popularne książki: Meteod tom 4, Meteod tom 3, Meteod tom 1, Meteod tom 2,

Haruka Shii - najnowsze książki: Meteod tom 4, Meteod tom 3, Meteod tom 2, Meteod tom 1,

Średnia ocena książek Haruka Shii: 4/6

4 osób przeczytało książki autora

7 osób chce przeczytać książki autora

Haruka Shii - twórczość

Okładka - Meteod tom 4
Meteod tom 4

Thirty years ago a series of meteorites rained down on Earth, destroying much of civilization. Decades later, pockets of humanity are beginning to reemerge, but many of the children who have been born after...czytaj dalej

Okładka - Meteod tom 3
Meteod tom 3

Thirty years ago a series of meteorites rained down on Earth, destroying much of civilization. Decades later, pockets of humanity are beginning to reemerge, but many of the children who have been born after...czytaj dalej

Okładka - Meteod tom 2
Meteod tom 2

Thirty years ago a series of meteorites rained down on Earth, destroying much of civilization. Decades later, pockets of humanity are beginning to reemerge, but many of the children who have been born after...czytaj dalej

Okładka - Meteod tom 1
Meteod tom 1

Thirty years ago a series of meteorites rained down on Earth, destroying much of civilization. Decades later, pockets of humanity are beginning to reemerge, but many of the children who have been born after...czytaj dalej
