The Iliad

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Fagles combines his talents as poet and scholar to present this masterful, elegant translation of the stirring story of the Trojan War and the rage of Achilles.

Informacje dodatkowe o The Iliad:

Wydawnictwo: angielskie
Data wydania: b.d
Kategoria: Historyczne
ISBN: 0-14-044592-7
Liczba stron: 388


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Inne książki autora
The Iliad
Okładka ksiązki - The Iliad

Thus begins the stirring story of the Trojan War and the rage of Achilles that has gripped listeners and readers for 2,700 years. This timeless poem still...

Okładka ksiązki - Iliade

Lire ou relire l'Iliade, c'est pénétrer au cour des mythes qui ont formé l'imagination de l'Occident, constitué son code moral, ouvert ses yeux a la beauté...

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