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Principles & Practice of Radiation Oncology 4e
Perez Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This much needed and anticipated third edition of the primary reference text for radiation oncologists is edited and written by the recognized pioneers and leaders in the field of radiotherapy. The second edition... czytaj dalej

S. Weinstein Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Now in its revised, updated Sixth Edition, this text provides residents and medical students with a broad overview of adult and pediatric orthopaedics. Major sections focus on general and regional disorders... czytaj dalej

Leading the Global Workforce
L. Carter Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Leading the Global Workforce provides a handy guide for international organizations that must achieve results in managing and sustaining a global workforce. The fourteen illustrative cases outlined address... czytaj dalej

Alternate Therapies in the Treatment of Brain Injury & Neuro
G. Murrey Wydawnictwo: angielskie

As traditional treatment success rates for many persons with traumatic brain injury (TBI) are proving less than effective, clinicians search for other therapies that may be more productive. Alternate Therapies... czytaj dalej

C. Torres Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Torres (art history, Florida International U., Miami) and Repke (a California organic chemist) present an interdisciplinary examination of a central but under-studied psychoactive plant in pre-Columbian Andean... czytaj dalej

Weapons of Mass Persuasion
P. Rutherford Wydawnictwo: angielskie

With nearly sixty percent of Americans initially against a pre-emptive war without sanction from the United Nations, and even higher anti-war numbers in most other nations of the world, the 2003 war against... czytaj dalej

Microbial Food Safety in Animal Agriculture
M. Torrence Wydawnictwo: brak danych

In answer to public concerns, Microbial Food Safety in Animal Agriculture: Current Topics provides timely information on this area of increasing importance, giving a broad overview of pre-harvest microbial... czytaj dalej

Clinical Diabetes
V. Fonseca Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This new volume, written and edited by some of the world's leading diabetes specialists, provides the practical information you need to care for your patients with diabetes. Covering such areas as lifestyle... czytaj dalej

Hand Fractures & Dislocations
A. Freeland Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Fractures of the hand bones account for about one-third of all hand fractures. Some hand fractures can be serious and require surgery, others may involve manipulation or casting and splinting. For guidance... czytaj dalej

Fundamentals of Nursing Made Incredibly Easy
Comeford Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Fundamentals of Nursing Made Incredibly Easy! presents essential nursing fundamentals in the easy-to-read, fun-to-learn format that's popular with nurses and nursing students everywhere. The book provides comprehensive... czytaj dalej