
Ocena: 4 (4 głosów)
Inne wydania:

When a mysterious carriage crashes outside their castle home in Styria, Austria, Laura and her father agree to take in its injured passenger, a young woman named Carmilla. Delighted to have some company of her own age, Laura is instantly drawn to Carmilla. But as their friendship grows, Carmilla's countenance changes and she becomes increasingly secretive and volatile. As Carmilla's moods shift and change, Laura starts to become ill, experiencing fiendish nightmares, her health deteriorating night after night. It is not until she and her father, increasingly concerned for Laura's well-being, set out on a trip to discover more about the mysterious Carmilla that the terrifying truth reveals itself.

Informacje dodatkowe o Carmilla:

Wydawnictwo: inne
Data wydania: 2014 (data przybliżona)
Kategoria: Horror
ISBN: 9781843914723
Liczba stron: 112
Tytuł oryginału: Carmilla
Język oryginału: angielski
Tłumaczenie: Paulina Braiter-Ziemkiewicz


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Przeczytane:2020-09-11, Ocena: 4, Przeczytałam,
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