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Urban Housing
Kemin Zhou Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Over three-quarters of the world's population live in cities where the need for affordable urban housing of good design is vital to the quality of urban living. Zhou and Colquhoun look at a wide variety of... czytaj dalej

Anterior Segment Complications of Contact Lens Wear
Silbert Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Grand rounds case reports open each chapter and provide a clinically realistic scenario for the theoretical, clinical, and pragmatic information in the text. Thirty-five world-renowned authorities thoroughly... czytaj dalej

Practical Retinal Photography & Digital Imaging Techniques
Marshall Tyler Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Producing quality fundus photographs requires more than just a camera; it also calls for substantial knowledge and skill. Perfect for non-expert ophthalmic professionals, this new resource provides step-by-step... czytaj dalej

Communication Disorders in Infants & Toddlers 3e
Billeaud Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This concise text is a clinical reference for professionals as well as a guide to the resources applicable to working with children diagnosed with or at risk for communicative delay or impairments. Current... czytaj dalej

Invention of the Model
Waller Wydawnictwo: inne

Although mastery of the representation of the human figure was central to art making as early as the fifteenth century in Europe, in the nineteenth-century French imagination the artist's model became identified... czytaj dalej

Development Projects & a Critical Theory of Environment
J. Bapat Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Development Projects and A Critical Theory of Environment presents an original critical theory of environmental sociology. It is demonstrated through six examples of infrastructure development projects, ranging... czytaj dalej

Communication Processes Volume 1: Media and Mediation
B. Bel Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This volume is devoted to understanding the politics in, and of, communication. The contributors explore the political terrain on which various processes of communication unfold, as well as investigating... czytaj dalej

FrontPage 2002 Weekend Crash CourseTM
E. Butow Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In less than 15 hours, this crash course aims to provide the first-time Frontpage 2002 user with the essentials required to start a site, create pages and publish the finished product for all to see. The book... czytaj dalej

Spine Master Technique in Orthopedic Surgery
David S. Bradford Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This new volume of the prestigious Master Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery series presents the most advanced and successful surgical techniques for treatment of spinal disorders. The book is written by the... czytaj dalej

Manual of Clinical Problems in Cardiology With Annotated Key
Hillis Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This is a current, convenient, and practical guide to the management of over 125 cardiac problems encountered in daily practice. Each concise chapter includes definition, etiology, epidemiology, clinical... czytaj dalej