Vanished (Tylko dla wybranych no. 12)

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Against all odds, Reed Brennan re-established Billings as an underground literary society. She and the new initiates created a glamorous secret headquarters and were ready to show Easton Academy that even though Billings House is gone, the Billings Girls are stronger than ever. But before Reed had a chance to revel in her success, something horrible happened:

Noelle disappeared.

Now Reed has no idea who wants to hurt Noelle or why, but it’s up to Reed to save her. As the clues build up, the clock ticks down, and Reed fears that unless she finds Noelle soon, she’ll lose her friend forever….

Informacje dodatkowe o Vanished (Tylko dla wybranych no. 12):

Wydawnictwo: inne
Data wydania: 2010-08-31
Kategoria: Dla młodzieży
ISBN: 978-1416984719
Liczba stron: 224


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Vanished (Tylko dla wybranych no. 12) - opinie o książce

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Odlotowa szesnastka
Kate Brian0
Okładka ksiązki - Odlotowa szesnastka

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Vengeance (Tylko dla wybranych no. 14)
Kate Brian0
Okładka ksiązki - Vengeance (Tylko dla wybranych no. 14)

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