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Psychological Aspects of Cancer Genetic Testing
A. Patenaude Wydawnictwo: inne

In the coming decades, as more genes are found which convey predisposition to serious diseases, genetics will play an increasingly important role in the lives of patients seeking psychotherapeutic and family... czytaj dalej

Neurological Therapeutics 3 Vols
J. Noseworthy Wydawnictwo: angielskie

With over 600 figures and tables, Neurological Therapeutics: Principles and Practice is a fully updated three-volume text, available both as a hardback and in web-formats, to be used as important reference... czytaj dalej

P. Camacho Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This handbook is a practical and comprehensive guide to the diagnosis and management of osteoporosis. The book covers all aspects of osteoporosis, from pathophysiology to diagnostic tests and therapies, and... czytaj dalej

Free Radicals in Biology & Medicine
Aruoma Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Oxidative stress and inflammatory cell death / tissue damage have been implicated in a wide array of human diseases, including cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, diabetes, inflammatory joint diseases, cardiovascular... czytaj dalej

Pharmacy Practice in an Aging Society
J. Wick Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"Pharmacy Practice in an Aging Society" examines the aspects of aging that transcend physical and biological changes, addressing practical concerns such as communication, understanding values, and... czytaj dalej

Medical Terms Their Roots & Origins
A. Tindall Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Medical Terms: Their Roots and Origins is not written for classical scholars. It is not a medical dictionary. It is for those who need to know the origins of one of the most technical and specialised jargons... czytaj dalej

Basic Concepts in Physiology
C. Seidel Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Organizes and condenses the key topics in physiology Eliminates rote memorization of complicated facts Presents difficult concepts in understandable steps Reinforces key concepts and definitions Allows you... czytaj dalej

Interpreting the Medical Literature 5e
Gehlbach Wydawnictwo: angielskie

CUT THROUGH THE COMPLEXITIES OF MEDICAL STUDIES Enhance your understanding and utilization of the information in medical journals with Stephen Gehlbach's Interpreting the Medical Literature, Fifth Edition.... czytaj dalej

Pocket Guide to Lung Function Tests
B. Hancox Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This is the essential, hands-on practical reference for non-specialist practitioners, medical students, nurses, residents and general practitioners to use when interpreting lung function tests. In clear and... czytaj dalej

Modern Applied Biostatistical Methods Using S-Plus
Steve Selvin Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Statistical analysis typically involves applying theoretically generated techniques to the description and interpretation of collected data. In this text, theory, application and interpretation are combined... czytaj dalej