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Negotiating Environmental Change
F. Berkhout Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Global environmental change will be with us forever, but how it happens in the future, and with what effect on the planet and its peoples, depends to a large extent on how the international agreements, national... czytaj dalej

ESMO Handbook of Oncological Emergencies
F. Andre Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Young medical oncologists, who may often find themselves faced by major complications caused by cancer or by cancer treatment, will welcome this handbook as a highly useful tool to develop their knowledge and... czytaj dalej

Productivity, Competitiveness & Incomes in Asia
H. Brunner Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The authors of this book link productivity change, trade competitiveness, networks of interaction and cooperation and income growth in developing Asian countries with the complex evolutionary processes of economic... czytaj dalej

Encyklopedia sportów świata. Tom 1: a-bi + CD z grą "Xpand Rally"
Wojciech Lipoński, Krzysztof Sawala Wydawnictwo: Agora

Ta niezwykła książka oferuje Czytelnikom ogromne bogactwo zróżnicowanych i barwnych obrazów światowego dziedzictwa sportu. Pozostawia ona daleko w tyle wszystkie istniejące encyklopedie sportów. Ponad 3000... czytaj dalej

Get the Ego Advantage
A. Sen Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The author of this extremely interesting book helps us to understand our reactions and feelings in the constant interplay of ego in our personal and professional lives. He has likened the ego to a suit, which... czytaj dalej

International Political Economy
T. Oatley Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This exciting text provides students with a superior grounding in contemporary international political economy. It emphasizes current scholarship and provides the background in politics, economics, and history... czytaj dalej

Roman Food Prints at Berenike
Cappers Wydawnictwo: angielskie

During the Graeco-Roman period, Berenike served as a gateway to the outside world together with Myos Hormos. Commodities were imported from Africa south of the Sahara, Arabia, and India into the Greek and Roman... czytaj dalej

Presidentialization of Politics
Poguntke Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Presidentialization of Politics shows that the politics of democratic societies is moving towards a presidentialized working mode, even in the absence of formal institutional changes. These developments... czytaj dalej

Encyclopedia of American Civil Liberties & Rights 3 vols
O. Stephens Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Spanning three volumes, this comprehensive encyclopedia covers the full range of civil rights and liberties in America from the antecedents of the Bill of Rights to the most recent controversies over political... czytaj dalej

Control of Human Parasitic Diseases
Molyneux Wydawnictwo: inne

Control of parasitic infections of humans has progressed rapidly over the last three decades. Such advances have resulted from focal disease control efforts based on historically effective interventions to... czytaj dalej