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European Union and the Public Sphere
J. Fossum Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The European Union is often attacked for its 'democratic deficit', namely its deficiencies in representation, transparency and accountability, as well as its lack of popular support. Can these shortcomings... czytaj dalej

Street as Stage
M. Reiss Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Public protest marches and meetings have become a global and transnational phenomenon. Images of Asian Muslims protesting against cartoons published by a Danish newspaper are aired into living rooms in Europe... czytaj dalej

Mystiker der Revolution. Der utopische Diskurs um die Jahrhundertwende. Gustav Landauer - Frederik v
Anna Wołkowicz Wydawnictwo: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego

Mistyczny dyskurs rewolucji współtworzyli na przełomie XIX i XX intelektualiści różnych opcji światopoglądowych i politycznych, od wyznawcy etycznego anarchizmu Gustava Landauera po uczonego-ezoteryka Ericha... czytaj dalej

Foreign Bodies
M. Gaspar Wydawnictwo: inne

Christoph Zellweger is a jewellery designer, whose approach is cross-disciplinary. He creates hybrid objects and contemplative works of art and develops products, interactive installations and exhibition events. ... czytaj dalej

Psychology in the Work Context
Z. Bergh Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This is the new edition of the introductory book which contains core material for first- or second-year psychology courses, and other users, discussed in an industrial psychology framework. ... czytaj dalej

Laxton's Building Price Book
V. Johnson Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Now in its 179th edition, Laxtons has become a firm favourite in the UK Building Industry. With more prices and more in-depth build-ups, Laxtons offers more practical and complete information than any other... czytaj dalej

Health Psychology 4 vols
J. Weinman Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This work constitutes the most systematic and complete collection of classical and contemporary published work in "Health Psychology." It draws upon an international range of articles, from leading... czytaj dalej

Federalism in America An Encyclopedia
J. Marbach Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book defines the concepts, history, and controversies of American federalism. This encyclopedia explains the major concepts, institutions, court cases, epochs, personalities, and policies that have shaped... czytaj dalej

Introduction to International Disaster Management
Coppola Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Written from a global perspective on risk, hazards, and disasters, Introduction to International Disaster Management provides practitioners, educators and students with a comprehensive overview of the players... czytaj dalej

European Constitution and National Constitutions
A. Albi,J. Ziller Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Whether the Constitutional Treaty will enter into effect - or the prospect of the EU having a constitutional text is pushed back to a much more distant future - the ratification of an EU Constitution raises... czytaj dalej