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Disease Surveillance
Lombardo Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The overall objective of this book is to present the various components (research, development, implementation, and operational strategies) of effective disease surveillance programs at all levels of government... czytaj dalej

Recent Dynamics of Mediterranean Vegetation & Landscape
S. Mazzoleni Wydawnictwo: angielskie

As part of its work the under the auspices of the Environment Programme of the European Commission, the ModMED research project analyzed the vegetation at sites in Italy, Greece, and Portugal using aerial photo-interpretation... czytaj dalej

Biocalorimetry 2 Applications of Calorimetry
J. Ladbury Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Over the last decade, high-sensitivity calorimetry has developed from a specialist method used mainly by dedicated experts to a major, commercially available tool in the arsenal directed at understanding molecular... czytaj dalej

Cultivating Diversity in Fundraising
Pettey Wydawnictwo: angielskie

An important roadmap for fundraising in today#146;s multicultural communities Raising money in today#146;s diverse communities is a growing challenge for fundraisers and philanthropists, requiring thoughtful... czytaj dalej

Industrial Organic Chemicals
Wittcoff Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Broadly describes the essential topics of the organic chemicals industry In the past two decades, the organic chemicals industry has undergone unprecedented restructuring, complicated feedstock problems, and... czytaj dalej

Manual of Asthma Managent
P. O'Byme Wydawnictwo: inne

This unique manual provides comprehensive, yet practical and easily accessed advice on the key issues of asthma management in both adult andpaediatric patients. The second edition will continue to help all... czytaj dalej

Pocket Companion to Veterinary Medicine
Blood Wydawnictwo: inne

This concise handbook in note form acts as a quick reference guide for both the student and the practitioner. Material is cross-referenced to the latest edition of Veterinary Medicine 9th edition so that the... czytaj dalej

Divine Order
P. Vergo Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Ever since antiquity, philosophers have pointed to the supposed 'divine' character of music, and following Pythagoras's discovery of the mathematical basis of the musical scale, have posited a link between... czytaj dalej

Africa Review
Axon Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The only reference work of its kind to cover the whole continent, the 25th edition provides specific data for 55 countries and covers key issues within the region. Specific issues include the water crisis,... czytaj dalej

Sea Power & the Control of Trade
N. Tracy Wydawnictwo: inne

The ability to influence world events through control of seaborne trade was profoundly affected by 19th-century developments in economic theory, commercial organization and naval technology, and by the growing... czytaj dalej