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Manual of Intensive Care Medicine
Irwin Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Completely rewritten and updated for the Fourth Edition, this Spiral(R) Manual remains the leading quick-reference guide to both medical and surgical intensive care. The essential principles, protocols, and... czytaj dalej

Managing the Mystery Collection
J. Overmier Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"Managing the Mystery Collection: From Creation to Consumption" reveals just who is responsible - for providing high-quality library mystery collections to fans. This resource takes you through the... czytaj dalej

Fifty Jewish Women Who Changed The World
D. Rosen Wydawnictwo: inne

Molly Picon, beloved star of the Yiddish Theater, Broadway, and Hollywood, blazed a trail for women in the entertainment industry.- Gertrude Stein not only declared "rose is a rose is a rose is a rose... czytaj dalej

Practical Guide to Care of Geriatric Patient 2e
Fred Ferri,Marsha Fretwell Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This pocket manual provides quick access to important information specific to geriatric patient care. It combines a straight-forward description of the most common situations encountered during rotations, residencies... czytaj dalej

Color Atlas of Congenital Heart Surgery
Litwin Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Because of the wide variety of anomalies encountered in congenital heart surgery, a broad understanding of the pathologic anatomy of defects is vitally important to the successful surgeon. More than in most... czytaj dalej

Clinical Gynecologic Oncology & Review CD-Rom
DiSaia,Van Dinh Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Provides management options for gynecologic cancer, breast cancer, and colorectal cancer in the female patient. Organized by cancer type and size, each of the 20 chapters begins with an outline, followed by... czytaj dalej

Mutual Invadability Implies Coexistence in Spatial Models
Durrertt Wydawnictwo: inne

In 1994 Durrett and Levin proposed that the equilibrium behaviour of stochastic spatial models could be determined from properties of the solution of the mean field ordinary differential equation (ODE) that... czytaj dalej

Ocular Oncology
D. Albert Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Survival rates in cases of uveal melanoma and retinoblastoma -- the leading intraocular malignancies in adults and children -- may be high, but means of earlier diagnosis and improved treatment options are... czytaj dalej

Terapy of Moderate to Severe Psoriasis
G. Weinstein Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Features new and updated chapters discussing the latest and most commonly prescribed therapies for patients with moderate-to-severe psoriasis. Noteworthy topics include the management of pediatric patients... czytaj dalej

Food Biotechnology
D. Shetty Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Completely revised, this second edition of Food Biotechnology demonstrates the massive effect that biotechnology has on food production and processing. The book begins with an overview of the principles of... czytaj dalej