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Pilgrim's Guide to Santiago De Compostela
Annie Shaver-Crandell Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The 12th-century Pilgrim's Guide to Santiago de Compostela, the earliest account of the pilgrim routes through France and Northern Spain to the shrine of St. James, is such a text. Surviving in twelve copies... czytaj dalej

Leaves & Pods
J. Iselin Wydawnictwo: angielskie

From the delicate new growth that emerges in springtime to jewel-toned fall foliage to winter's brown husks, leaves unfurl, mature and wither in a life cycle that evokes our own. But a tree's leaves and the... czytaj dalej

Między klasycznościa a tradycjonalizmem
Lewicka-Morawska Anna Wydawnictwo: NERITON

Okres od panowania Stanisława Augusta Poniatowskiego po 1. ćwierć XIX wieku to czas przemian w kulturze artystycznej, w tym w malarstwie. Nowa sytuacja artysty i mecenasa, kolekcjonerstwo i znawstwo, narodziny... czytaj dalej

Monet t.5
Zuffi Stefano Wydawnictwo: Arkady

Nowa seria, poświęcona wielkim mistrzom i kierunkom w malarstwie od średniowiecza do końca XX wieku, przedstawia kluczowe momenty w historii sztuki zachodnioeuropejskiej. Z treścią każdego tomu, zawierającego... czytaj dalej

K. Hollinger Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Actress: Hollywood Acting and the Female Star investigates the contemporary film actress both as an artist and as an ideological construct. Divided into two sections, The Actress first examines the major... czytaj dalej

Ch. Hope Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Few individuals have had a greater influence on the development of European painting than the sixteenth-century Venetian artist Titian. His vibrant colours and exciting brushwork have made his work a constant... czytaj dalej

Peggy Guggenheim
P. Barozzi Wydawnictwo: inne

Peggy Guggenheim is the true story of a twenty year friendship between the author (a Venetian nobleman) and the famous art collector Peggy Guggenheim. Paolo Barozzi recounts the great ladyšs life, and the reader... czytaj dalej

360 Imaging Photographer's Panoramic Virtual Reality Manual
P. Andrews Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Photographic-based virtual reality is fast becoming one of the most exciting areas of the digital imaging world. No helmets, no gloves, the new techniques create fully immersive experiences in which the viewer... czytaj dalej

Ed Ruscha
R. Marshall Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Ed Ruscha (b.1937) initially gained attention in the early 1960s with paintings, drawings, and photgraphic books that focused on his fascination with the unique culture, vernacular, and sensibility of his adopted... czytaj dalej

R. Humphreys Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Futurism, brainchild of the Italian writer and impresario, F.T. Marinetti, was the defining avant-garde art movement of the 20th century. This book traces it from its origins in dissident underground politics... czytaj dalej