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Governing Global Banking
Wood Wydawnictwo: inne

This timely and highly topical text examines the development of the Basel Committee. Thorough and well-researched, it studies the Committee's creation, achievements and prospective role in the 21st century... czytaj dalej

Kaplan's Clinical Hypertension
N. Kaplan Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This highly acclaimed clinical reference by a world-renowned authority on hypertension is now in its thoroughly revised, updated Eighth Edition. Dr. Kaplan integrates the latest basic science findings and clinical... czytaj dalej

Journals of the Century
T. Stankus Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A science librarian at the College of the Holy Cross explains the Journals of the Century Project's mission of having subject expert librarians offer their views on the most influential journals in their respective... czytaj dalej

Fatal Eggs & Other Soviet Satire 2e
Mirra Ginsburg Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A selection of short stories and parables dealing with life in Communist Russia by 18 noted Russian writers. ... czytaj dalej

Kiki Smith Prints Books & Things
Weitman Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Accompanies an exhibition at MoMA QNS devoted to an under-acknowledged but crucial area of Kiki Smith's art.... czytaj dalej

Learning LATEX
D. Griffiths Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This short, well-written book covers the material essential for learning LATEX without any unnecessary detail. It discusses incisive examples that teach LATEX in a powerful yet abbreviated fashion, including... czytaj dalej

First Choices
M. Collins Wydawnictwo: angielskie

and teachers, parents and carers worry that the decisions that children and young people make might be unwise or dangerous. Decision making is a skill involving both a cognitive and an affective process. It... czytaj dalej

Stealing the Network
J. Long Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The best-selling "Stealing the Network" series reaches its climactic conclusion as law enforcement and organized crime form a high-tech web in an attempt to bring down the shadowy hacker-villain known... czytaj dalej

White Lies
Krentz Jayne Wydawnictwo: angielskie

I am a huge fan of all Jayne Ann Krantz books; I have read all her books, however recently they have lost the romance element. This book puts her back on form with an interesting mystery to solve, plenty of... czytaj dalej

Projekt finance w inwestycjach infrastrukturalnych
Anna Wojewnik-Filipkowska Wydawnictwo: CeDeWu

Polska w krótkim okresie winna bardzo aktywnie i na szeroką skalę zaangażować się w proces realizacji inwestycji infrastrukturalnych. Niewątpliwie podstawowym problemem, obok kwestii prawnych i organizacyjnych... czytaj dalej