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Coronary Artery Disease
Brubaker Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Supplemented by case studies, this text allows readers to follow the process of how CAD is evaluated and what interventions are used to manage this disease. Particular attention is given to lifestyle modifications... czytaj dalej

Fame School #04 Rivals
C. Jefferies Wydawnictwo: angielskie

An enthralling title in this popular series for children, which features the talented pupils of the fictional Rockley Park school for stars.Follow the exploits of Danny and Charlie, a pair of truly talented... czytaj dalej

Successful Large Account Management
Miller Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The book that shows how to keep your most important customers... Whatever your companys sales revenue, chances are that at least half of it comes from a few crucial accounts. So what does it take to keep them... czytaj dalej

Humanity Terrorism Terrorist War Palestine 9-11 Iraq 7-7
T. Honderich Wydawnictwo: inne

'With large questions of right and wrong, there is a division of labour. So, with the attack on three subway trains and a bus in London on July 7, 2005. Of what moral relevance, if any, was the fact that the... czytaj dalej

Tony Rosenthal
S. Hunter Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Tony Rosenthal is probably best known for his landmark, fifteen-foot high CorTen cube, poised on its tip, which stands permanently on Astor Place in downtown Manhattan. Yet at the time it was installed, in... czytaj dalej

Early Literacy Work with Families
C. Nutbrown Wydawnictwo: angielskie

`A "must read" for practitioners, policy makers and researchers interested in the detail and the theory underpinning this important family literacy initiative' - Neil McClelland OBE, Director, National... czytaj dalej

G-man's Life The FBI Being Deep Throat
M. Felt Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The first full portrait of one of the most enduringly mysterious public figures of our era - the man who Bob Woodward called "Deep Throat", and who thought of himself as the "Lone Ranger"... czytaj dalej

Political Economy of Financial Crises 2 vols
Allen Wydawnictwo: brak danych

'There is a wealth of information and analysis here. . . the reader of these volumes will find a very comprehensive analysis of past emerging-country crises as well as plenty of pointers to the next one.'-... czytaj dalej

Rozkosze życia w pojedynkę
Marjorie Hillis Wydawnictwo: Prószyński i S-ka

"Jedną z wielkich zalet twojego stylu życia jest fakt, że możesz być sama, kiedy tylko zapragniesz. Całym rzeszom ludzi nigdy nie będzie dane odkryć, jaka to może być przyjemność" - pisze Marjorie... czytaj dalej

Tajemniczy świat zwierząt Ptaki
Brenda Williams Wydawnictwo: SBM

Poznaj cykle życiowe jednych z najbardziej tajemniczych dzikich zwierząt od kolorowych ptasich rodziców do gniazd, jaj i głodnych piskląt.... czytaj dalej