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Beef Production & Management Decisions
R. Taylor Wydawnictwo: angielskie

For junior/senior level courses in Beef Production and Management. Based on the most recent scientific, demographic and financial data available, Beef Production and Management Decisions, Fifth Edition examines... czytaj dalej

Dark Star
A. Furst Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Paris, Moscow, Berlin, and Prague, 1937. In the back alleys of nighttime Europe, war is already under way. André Szara, survivor of the Polish pogroms and the Russian civil wars and a foreign correspondent... czytaj dalej

Shi'Ism 4 vols
C. Turner Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Politically, it was as the ideological wellspring behind the self-styled 'Islamic Revolution' of 1979 that Shi'ism first came to world attention, garnering for itself a reputation as an alien, militant and... czytaj dalej

Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering + CD ROM
H. Schweiger Wydawnictwo: angielskie

An overview of recent developments in constitutive modelling, numerical implementation issues, and coupled and dynamic analysis.  There is a special section dedicated to the numerical modelling of ground improvement... czytaj dalej

Invisible Man
Wells Wydawnictwo: brak danych

A stranger curiously dressed in bandages and dark glasses arrives at an inn and quickly instills fear and curiosity in those who surround him. A scientist who has discovered the means to make himself invisible... czytaj dalej

Outcome Prediction in Cancer
A. Taktak Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This book is organized into 4 sections, each looking at the question of outcome prediction in cancer from a different angle. The first section describes the clinical problem and some of the predicaments that... czytaj dalej

Pricing on Purpose
R. Baker Wydawnictwo: angielskie

#8212;Reed Holden, founder, Holden Advisors Corp., www.holdenadvisors.com coauthor, The Strategy and Tactics of Pricing: A Guide to Profitable Decision Making, Third Edition "With Pricing on Purpose,... czytaj dalej

Electrical Properties of Disordered Metals
Dugdale Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The theory of how metals conduct electronically has, until recently, been confined to metals that are crystalline with the constituent atoms in regular arrays. The discovery of how to make solid amorphous alloys... czytaj dalej

Modern Art in Eastern Europe PB
S.A Mansbach Wydawnictwo: brak danych

In this award-winning study, Steven Mansbach provides the first coherent narrative of the modern art movements of Eastern Europe. Analyzing a vast range of works, many reproduced here for the first time, the... czytaj dalej

View With Grain of Sand
Wisława Szymborska Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This collection of Szymborska's work reveals her to be concerned with the unglamorized actualities of the human condition. She is one of a generation of Polish poets which witnessed the years of Soviet oppression... czytaj dalej