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Wireless Communications Circuits & Systems
D. Haigh Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This work presents a state-of-the-art review of integrated circuits, systems and transceivers for wireless and mobile communications. The editor has commissioned contributions from researchers focusing on developments... czytaj dalej

Borg's Perceived Exertion & Pain Scales
G. Borg Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A theoretical and methodological guide to the field of perceived exertion (subjective somatic symptoms). Thirteen chapters compile information on the background, construction, and use of RPE and CR10 scaling... czytaj dalej

History of Transylvania V.1
L. Makkai Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The first volume of a three volume history of Transylvania is designed to present Transylvanian history in a European context and with due attention to Transylvania's links to Hungary, the Habsburg Empire,... czytaj dalej

Illustrated Beatus v 1
J. Williams Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This study provides an historical context for the origin and evolution of the Spanish tradition of Apocalpyse imagery. The volumes in this series include an introductory text and catalogue raisonnee in chronological... czytaj dalej

Richter et Dahl Rocha
J. Gubler Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Selected for publication by a prestigious board, the architects and firms featured in the Contemporary World Architects series are recognized for their superior expertise, as well as their innovation, creativity... czytaj dalej

Resonant Leadership
R. Boyatzis Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Resonant Leadership shows how leaders can recognise the cycles of stress, sacrifice, and renewal inherent in their jobs'and actively utilise the qualities of mindfulness, hope, and compassion to renew their... czytaj dalej

Just Around the Corner
S. Aronowitz Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Americans have always believed that economic growth leads to job growth. In this groundbreaking book, Stanley Aronowitz argues that this is no longer true. Just Around the Corner looks at the state of the... czytaj dalej

Principles & Practice of Marketing
Blythe Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The intention of this book is to explain the received wisdom about marketing, and provide the counter-arguments which moderate the debate. It examines what marketing does, and seeks to strike a balance between... czytaj dalej

Kompendium wiedzy o ekonomii
Bremond Janine, Couet Jean - Francois, Salort Marie - Martine Wydawnictwo: PWN

W każdym z szesnastu rozdziałów przeprowadzono analizę teoretyczną jednego z fundamentalnych tematów, takich jak: zatrudnienie i bezrobocie, globalizacja, pieniądz, konsumpcja i dochody. Przejrzysta struktura... czytaj dalej

Kiedy serce nas oskarża, Przygotowanie do sakramentu pojednania
Józef Augustyn Wydawnictwo: Edycja Świętego Pawła

Książeczka odsłania przez czytelnikiem bogactwo i piękno sakramentu pojednania, jak też radosny trud jednania się z Bogiem, z ludźmi i z własnym życiem. Przeznaczona jest dla wszystkich, którzy pragną żyć w... czytaj dalej