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Introduction to Econometrics
J. Stock Wydawnictwo: inne

Designed for a first course in introductory econometrics, Introduction to Econometrics, reflects modern theory and practice, with interesting applications that motivate and match up with the theory to ensure... czytaj dalej

Fear This
Suau Wydawnictwo: inne

Fear This is Anthony Suau's first-hand documentation of the United States before, during, and after the recent war in Iraq. Suau has dedicated his career to documenting the effects of international events on... czytaj dalej

Infinite Dimensional Kahler Manifolds
Alan Huckleberry Wydawnictwo: inne

Infinite dimensional manifolds, Lie groups and algebras arise naturally in many areas of mathematics and physics. Having been used mainly as a tool for the study of finite dimensional objects, the emphasis... czytaj dalej

Funktionelle Anatomie des Menschen
Johannes Rohen Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Wie verläuft der Ischiasnerv? Was muß ich beim i.m. Spritzen beachten?Anatomie ist nicht alles, aber ohne Grundkenntnisse der Anatomie ist in der Pflegeausbildung alles nichts. Die "Funktionelle Anatomie"... czytaj dalej

A. Belyj Wydawnictwo: inne

#1042;#1085;#1080;#1084;#1072;#1085;#1080;#1102; #1095;#1080;#1090;#1072;#1090;#1077;#1083;#1103; #1087;#1088;#1077;#1076;#1083;#1072;#1075;#1072;#1077;#1090;#1089;#1103; #1082;#1086;#1084;#1084;#1077;#1085;#1090;#1080;#1088;#1086... czytaj dalej

Aphasia & Related Neurogenic Language Disorders
Leonard LaPointe Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This revised edition offers practically applicable introductions to various aphasias and related disorders. Pathophysiology, differentiating features, methods of evaluation and specific methods of treatment... czytaj dalej

Calculus Concepts & Connections
Smith Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The wide-ranging debate brought about by the calculus reform movement has had a significant impact on calculus textbooks. In response to many of the questions and concerns surrounding this debate, the authors... czytaj dalej

Introduction to the Finite Element Method
Reddy Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The book retains its strong conceptual approach, clearly examining the mathematical underpinnings of FEM, and providing a general approach of engineering application areas. Known for its detailed, carefully... czytaj dalej

Gomella Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Portable and concise reference
Logical outline approach that includes basic management, procedures, On-Call Problems, diseases and disorders, and neonatal pharmacology
Popular On-Call section pre... czytaj dalej

Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering + CD ROM
H. Schweiger Wydawnictwo: angielskie

An overview of recent developments in constitutive modelling, numerical implementation issues, and coupled and dynamic analysis.  There is a special section dedicated to the numerical modelling of ground improvement... czytaj dalej