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Christianity and Judaism have produced reflective theology of thousands of years--until recently, relatively little of it was by women. This volume brings together the best essays in the field to give some... czytaj dalej
This brief and economical reader, edited by Jim Henslin, is specifically designed to be used as a companion to Sociology: A Down-to-Earth Approach, 8th edition.Each reading has been selected by Jim Henslin... czytaj dalej
Thinking through Kierkegaard is a critical evaluation of Soren Kierkegaard's vision of the normatively human, of who we are and might aspire to become, and of what Mehl calls our existential identity. Through... czytaj dalej
The story of the Intifada in the Gaza Strip, with its tragic and inspiring outcomes, is slowly fading from the world's collective memory. In the final weeks of 1987, however, this small strip of land became... czytaj dalej
Theodor Adorno was a German philosopher, sociologist and musicologist and was a leading member and eventually director of the Frankfurt Institute for Social Research. Adorno studied an extraordinary range of... czytaj dalej
In this biographical account, Wittman chronicles the wartime journey of a young Romanian Waffen-SS conscript. Wittman follows his struggle through some of the most ferocious theatres of World War II up to the... czytaj dalej
Nasze wejście do Unii oznacza rzeczywiście zarówno szanse, jak i zagrożenia. Od nas samych bedzie zależało, jak jedne i drugie się zrealizują. Z prof. Geremkiem rozmawia Dorota Maciejewska... czytaj dalej
Książka analizuje wybrane zjawiska kultury medialnej (prasa, radio, telewizja, film, reklama), oglądane w perspektywie antropologicznej i aksjologicznej. Autorka podejmuje temat kulturowego statusu przedstawienia... czytaj dalej
This book examines the emergence, role and future of the EU as an actor in world politics. It looks at the core areas of European foreign policy: economy; trade; the environment; development; common foreign... czytaj dalej
This work offers a portrait of Venice from the establishment of the Republic at the end of the 13th century to its fall to Napoleon in 1797. In contrast to earlier efforts to categorize Venice's politics as... czytaj dalej