D. Liss

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Gatunki literackie: Literatura piękna

D. Liss - popularne książki: Conspiracy of Paper, Spectacle of Corruption,

D. Liss - najnowsze książki: Conspiracy of Paper, Spectacle of Corruption,

4 osób chce przeczytać książki autora

D. Liss - twórczość

Okładka - Conspiracy of Paper
Conspiracy of Paper

Benjamin Weaver, a Jew and an ex-boxer, is an outsider in eighteenth-century London, tracking down debtors and felons for aristocratic clients. The son of a wealthy stock trader, he lives estranged from his...czytaj dalej

Okładka - Spectacle of Corruption
Spectacle of Corruption

Benjamin Weaver is awaiting death in Newgate gaol. Mysteriously convicted for a murder he didn't commit by a judge determined to see him hang, he is suddenly - and equally mysteriously - offered the means to...czytaj dalej
