Mick Takeuchi

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Gatunki literackie: Komiksy

Mick Takeuchi - popularne książki: Her Majesty's Dog tom 5, Her Majesty's Dog tom 7, Her Majesty's Dog tom 6, Her Majesty's Dog tom 3, Her Majesty's Dog tom 9,

Mick Takeuchi - najnowsze książki: Her Majesty's Dog tom 11, Her Majesty's Dog tom 10, Her Majesty's Dog tom 9, Her Majesty's Dog tom 8, Her Majesty's Dog tom 7,

Średnia ocena książek Mick Takeuchi: 3.71/6

7 osób przeczytało książki autora

22 osób chce przeczytać książki autora

Mick Takeuchi - twórczość

Okładka - Her Majesty's Dog tom 11
Her Majesty's Dog tom 11

Distraught by losing Hyoue, Amane still manages to pull herself back together with the help of her friends. Aid from an unexpected source gives her the determination she needs to return to the island and confront...czytaj dalej

Okładka - Her Majesty's Dog tom 10
Her Majesty's Dog tom 10

Despite Hyoue's protests, Amane begins the ceremony to become head of the Kamori family, but things spiral quickly out of control when Zakuro intervenes, and the identity of the one behind all their troubles...czytaj dalej

Okładka - Her Majesty's Dog tom 9
Her Majesty's Dog tom 9

As Amane's wedding looms closer and closer, her friends grow more anxious. Attempts to talk her out of a loveless marriage are met only with her deep attachment to her duty - so Hyoue decides it's time to take...czytaj dalej

Okładka - Her Majesty's Dog tom 8
Her Majesty's Dog tom 8

The identity of one of the ruthless attackers on the Kamori family has finally been revealed! But Amane's and Hyoue's troubles are far from over, as forces from all sides close in on our heroes to drive a wedge...czytaj dalej

Okładka - Her Majesty's Dog tom 7
Her Majesty's Dog tom 7

Someone from Amane's village is out to ruin the young shamaness's life! Framed for a crime they didn't commit, Amane & Hyoue return to the island in disgrace - & this time, they won't be allowed to leave. Forced...czytaj dalej

Okładka - Her Majesty's Dog tom 6
Her Majesty's Dog tom 6

Hyoue's servant-master pact with Amane is renewed but the koma-oni knows that doesn't mean everything's back to normal. Believing his feelings for Amane will only lead to misery, he distances himself from her...czytaj dalej

Okładka - Her Majesty's Dog tom 5
Her Majesty's Dog tom 5

The kingon curse is broken - and Hyoue's powers are out of control! Heartbroken, he returns to the village where it all began. Meanwhile, Amane must take part in the village's annual ceremony. With no allies...czytaj dalej

Okładka - Her Majesty's Dog tom 4
Her Majesty's Dog tom 4

Hyoue Inugami is a powerful Koma-Oni - so powerful, in fact, that a spell of binding has been put on him! Hyoue can only remain Amane's guardian providing he never says the forbidden words, but the problem...czytaj dalej
