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Soft Target
Leather Wydawnictwo: inne

When a group of armed police in a unit turn maverick and start to rip off drug dealers at gunpoint, undercover cop Dan 'Spider' Shepherd is put a mission. He is ordered to infiltrate the team, to gain their... czytaj dalej

Fundamentals of Forensic Science
J. Siegel Wydawnictwo: inne

Presents a look at the forensic sciences, emphasizing the biology, chemistry, and physical sciences that underpin forensic science. This book also covers the principles that are central to forensic science... czytaj dalej

Great War Breakthroughs
H. Turtledove Wydawnictwo: inne

Is it the war to end all wars - or war without end? It is 1917, and the United States are fighting a war on two fronts. In the north, from the Pacific to Quebec, US forces in the air and on land are locked... czytaj dalej

H. Turtledove Wydawnictwo: inne

Continuing Harry Turtledove's alternate-history epic, "Aftershocks" follows the story of the invading aliens of the Race and the on-going struggle of humanity to overthrow the oppressors.... czytaj dalej

Getting Biodiversity Projects to Work
T. McShane Wydawnictwo: inne

Garneting the lion's share of mainstream funding from international development agencies, the Integrated Conservation and Development Projects (ICDPs) represent the most popular approach to conserving the world's... czytaj dalej

Mastering Enterprise
S. Birley Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Everybody can recognise an entrepreneur but few can define what one is. An entrepreneur is more than an innovative spirit and a visionary opportunist. Are there any traits entrepreneurs have in common? The... czytaj dalej

Eu Communications Law
Valcke Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This fascinating book examines and offers critical comments on the new 'significant market power'-regime, as put into place by the 2003 European regulatory framework on electronic communications networks and... czytaj dalej

Future Nature
W. Adams Wydawnictwo: brak danych

In this updated edition, the author analyses the problems that conservation faces and seeks the new ideas and energy that it needs for the future. Concepts such as biodiversity and sustainability, and changes... czytaj dalej

Beirut Reborn
Gavin Wydawnictwo: inne

This text shows how Beirut is now beginning to recover after the desolation and destruction of the early 1990s. This process is attributed to SOLIDERE, the Lebanese Company for the Development and Reconstruction... czytaj dalej

Materials for Inspirational Design Wood
C. Lefteri Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"This is a lovely book... in addition to the pages on inspiration, on craftsmanship and on technology, the book illustrates and describes an amazing range of timbers." The Architectural Review, UK"Fascinating... czytaj dalej