Student's Essential Formula Book

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Formulas, they seem to be the bane of every beginning mathematics student who has yet to realize that formulas are about structure and relationship-and not about memorization. Granted, formulas have to be memorized; for, it is partly through memorization that we eventually become 'unconsciously competent'. This means we are a true master of our skill, practicing it in an almost effortless, automatic sense. In mathematics, this means we have mastered the underlying algebraic language to the same degree that we have mastered our native tongue. Knowing formulas and understanding the reasoning behind them propels one towards the road to mathematical mastery, so essential in our modern high-tech society. This book consists of three major sections. Section I-Formulas-contains most of the formulas that you would expect to encounter during the first year of college (and perhaps the second) regardless of major. In addition, there are formulas rarely seen in such compilations, included as a mathematical treat for the inquisitive. Section II-Tables-includes both 'pure math' tables and physical-science tables, useful in a variety of disciples ranging from physics to nursing. As in Section I, some tables (e.g. Magic Squares) are included just for curiosity and fun. Fun in discovery definitely should be a part of our learning experience in mathematics. Section III-Puzzles and Curios-is all fun! Here, I have pulled together a variety of mathematical wonders and puzzles collected over three decades of teaching.

Informacje dodatkowe o Student's Essential Formula Book:

Wydawnictwo: inne
Data wydania: b.d
Kategoria: Popularnonaukowe
ISBN: 978-1-41845-785-3
Liczba stron: 0


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