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American Cockroach
Watson Wydawnictwo: inne

Catherine Chalmers's second Aperture monograph invites us to meditate on the pleasures and terrors of the common domestic pest, Periplaneta americana, also known as the American cockroach. In three different... czytaj dalej

French Riviera 1920s & 1930s
C. Bilas Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The French Riviera is a twentieth century phenomenon, going from rural poverty to the heights of luxury through the century, roughly in parallel with the growth of the movie business. During the 1920s and 30s... czytaj dalej

Monet at Giverny
J. Sagner Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Monet#8217;s works during his stay at Giverny are given a fresh appraisal in this flexi Pegasus edition. The many years that Claude Monet spent at his beloved house in Giverny represent an exceptionally fruitful... czytaj dalej

Ecuador Galapagos IG 2e
Brian Bell Wydawnictwo: inne

From the snowy Andes to the Galapagos Islands, Ecuador is now among the most popular destinations with eco-tourists. Home to the highest active volcano, vibrant Indian markets and palm-fringed Pacific beaches... czytaj dalej

Debian GNU/Linux Bible
S. Hunger Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Debian GNU/Linux is one of the major Linux distributions available today. It is known as the most open" of the Linux distributions -- for its commitment to the free software principals, and its community-centricism... czytaj dalej

Business Objects The Complete Reference
C. Howson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

If your objective in business intelligence reporting is Business Objects success, this is the resource for you. Gives a thorough run-down of the software, plus coverage of Web intelligence, complex queries... czytaj dalej

Comprehensive Composite Materials v 6
A. Kelly Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Hardbound.... czytaj dalej

Quick Reference Dictionary for Occupational Therapy
Jacobs Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Are you an occupational therapy professional who requires information at your fingertips or a student searching for quick answers to your questions? If so, then Quick Reference Dictionary for Occupational Therapy... czytaj dalej

Atlas of the World's Deserts
Parker Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Divided into chapters that concentrate on particular aspects of the deserts, their geology, life forms, history and future, this book describes the hostile and extreme environments that cover more than a seventh... czytaj dalej

Przebieg procesu karnego
Grajewski Jan Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Podręcznik obejmuje uniwersytecki wykład z zakresu procedury karnej. Zawiera szczegółowe omówienie postępowania karnego i jego podstawowych instytucji, przedstawia m.in.:- charakterystykę postępowania przygotowawczego... czytaj dalej