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B. Adelson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This landmark volume is the first to trace the exciting developments in the field of dwarfism research and treatment over the past century - particularly during the past fifty years. Dr. Betty M. Adelson, a... czytaj dalej

Casarett & Doull's Essentials of Toxicology
C. Klaassen Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The goal of this text is to present information in an easily accessible and digestible manner. Following the organisation of the parent text, Casarett and Doull's Essentials presents concepts in logical progression... czytaj dalej

Neon Rain
James Lee Burke Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

Nothing in his years as a New Orleans detective could have prepared Dave Robicheaux for the condemned man's last confession. As Johnny Massina prepares to die he warns Robicheaux of another death sentence,... czytaj dalej

Hodges Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

In the sixty years since General Kalashnikov created the AK's distinctive silhouette, the gun has been at the centre of conflicts across the Middle East, Africa and Latin America. The weapon that made him a... czytaj dalej

Muslim World 1100-1700 8 vols
Irwin Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Royal Asiatic Society, founded in 1823, was the main centre in Britain for scholarly work on Asia in the nineteenth century, and has been a publisher since 1829. The Muslim World 1100-1700: Early Sources... czytaj dalej

Gray's Anatomy for Students
Drake Wydawnictwo: inne

A completely new addition to the Gray's Anatomy family specifically tailored to meet the needs of today's anatomy students. A user-friendly format, a regional organization, and outstanding artwork make mastering... czytaj dalej

Postern of Fate
A. Christie Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Tommy and Tuppence Beresford are just settling into their new home in a resort town when they come across a collection of children's books hidden away by a previous owner. One of the books bears the message... czytaj dalej

Fundamental Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
Howell Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This textbook for an introductory statistics course in psychology, education, and other behavioral sciences examines descriptive statistics, hypothesis testing, sampling distribution, correlation, regression... czytaj dalej

Atlas of the World's Deserts
Parker Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Divided into chapters that concentrate on particular aspects of the deserts, their geology, life forms, history and future, this book describes the hostile and extreme environments that cover more than a seventh... czytaj dalej

Joasia i wilk
Ted Lobby Wydawnictwo: GWP

Wszystkie dzieci miewają złe sny. Aby uspokoić dziecko, zazwyczaj wystarcza je przytulić lub zaśpiewać mu kołysankę, lecz czasem koszmary są tak uporczywe, że musimy sięgnąć po inne metody działania.... czytaj dalej

Recenzje miesiąca
Fałszywa królowa
Mateusz Fogt
Ewa Hansen ;
Serce nie siwieje
Hanna Bilińska-Stecyszyn ;
Zranione serca
Urszula Gajdowska
Znajdziesz mnie wśród chmur
Ilona Ciepał-Jaranowska
Pies na medal
Barbara Gawryluk