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Oh, Brother
M. Wilson Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Gr 4-8 Brothers Alex and Andrew are always at odds with each other. Alex, the younger and the more responsible of the two, has a paper route and a bicy cle. Andrew has a part time job for a while, but he spends... czytaj dalej

Remnants Nowhere Land
K. Applegate Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The planet where the Eighty's ship landed isn't real. The Earth escapees are trapped in the computer-generated landscape of a ship, and when they discover a mysterious power node, they realize they may be able... czytaj dalej

In Flight Spanish Audio CD
S. McGrew Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The perfect boarding pass to 20 different language. A 60 minute program is just enough to get by in every travel situation from greeting and polite expressions to getting around or a night on the town. Portable... czytaj dalej

Oggi in Italia
Merlonghi Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"Oggi in Italia" is a successful, market-leading introductory Italian program featuring a balanced four-skills approach to language learning and varied perspectives of Italian culture that range from... czytaj dalej

Scribner Encyclopedia of American Lives 2 vols
O'Neill Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This volume includes approximately 600 biographies of Americans, both living and deceased - from artists and writers to politicians and criminals - who flourished during the 1960s. ... czytaj dalej

Oral & Maxillofacial Trauma v 1-2
R. Fonseca,R. Walker,N. Betts Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Here's the Second Edition of the most up-to-date, authoritative text for diagnosing and treating trauma patients with maxillofacial and associated injuries. Completely revised and updated, the New Edition is... czytaj dalej

Blood & Blood Transfusion
H. Galley,N. Webster Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This volume discusses issues of particular importance on the intensive care unit. It focuses on current areas of debate and change, and is intended as an update for all intensive care workers and trainees.... czytaj dalej

Smith Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This collectible series builds into a fascinating library of reference material, covering every aspect of Key Stage 2 science and beyond. When used in conjunction with www.usborne-quicklinks.com, the reader... czytaj dalej

G. Harvey Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The story of the boy pharaoh and the discovery of his tomb and treasures vividly retold for young readers.Illustrations and hand-coloured photographs of real-life places, people and objects bring the story... czytaj dalej

Cooks Tour
A. Bourdain Wydawnictwo: inne

The only thing Tony Bourdain loves as much as cooking is traveling, and "A Cook's Tour" is the shotgun marriage of his two greatest passions. Inspired by the question, "What would be the perfect... czytaj dalej