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Cognition & Communication Judgmental Biases Research Methods
Schwarz Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This text introduces the "logic of conversation" developed by Paul Grice, who proposed the cooperative principle and a set of maxims on which conversationalists rely. This framework is applied to... czytaj dalej

Aesthetic in Kant
Kirwan Wydawnictwo: inne

Kant's Critique of the Power of Judgment is widely considered to be the seminal work of modern aesthetics. In recent years it has been the focus of intense interest and debate not only in philosophy but also... czytaj dalej

Herman Miller
J. Berry Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In 1936, Herman Miller Inc. founder D. J. De Pree committed Herman Miller to "modern" furniture. The rest is history: their continuing collaboration with some of the giants of modern design has made... czytaj dalej

K. Thompson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

These are the proceedings of two meetings organized by the Water Chemistry Forum and the Royal Society of Chemistry, together with the Environment and Water Group of the Society of Chemical Industry, the Chartered... czytaj dalej

Communism Post-Communism & Democracy
I. Iliescu Wydawnictwo: inne

A leader of "the new Europe" offers a unique perspective on recent history. A stalwart ally and strategic partner in the war against terror and a new member of NATO, Romania with its vibrant democracy... czytaj dalej

John Paul II We Love You World Youth Day Reflections
B. Murray Wydawnictwo: angielskie

World Youth Day and its international gatherings mark Pope John Paul II's greatest achievement in his relationship with young Catholics around the world. Through these gatherings, the pope challenges young... czytaj dalej

Revision Express English Language & Literature
Gardiner Wydawnictwo: inne

Revision Express A-level Study Guides - covering AS and A2 material in one book. A new approach to exam success, making your revision fast and effective.What A-level Examiners say about Revision Express Study... czytaj dalej

Principles of Construction Safety
Holt Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Changes in law and best practice in construction safety make it difficult for the construction professional to keep up with current thinking and requirements. Covering occupational health issues and the environmental... czytaj dalej

Siren Song
R. Kidd Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Before the Black Pearl, there was a teenage stowaway named Jack Sparrow... Captain Jack Sparrow#8217;s ship, the Barnacle, and its up-till-now unshakable crew have suddenly fallen under a sinister spell. While... czytaj dalej

Information Graphics & Visual Clues
R. Lipton Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Certain visual images scream their message to us loud and clear: a stop sign, a skull and cross-bones, a handicapped parking sticker. The ability to take ideas and information and allow visuals that allow us... czytaj dalej