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Spooked Science of Fear
S. Funston Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Revealing the truth behind vampires, witches, UFOs and ghosts, this book uses simple science to explain why we fear things, and what reactions go on in our brains and bodies. It also shows that there is a basis... czytaj dalej

Pink Tourism
H. Hughes Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This book presents a detailed picture of gay and lesbian tourism from, primarily, a marketing perspective and examines how marketing activity engages with and affects social issues relating to homosexuality... czytaj dalej

Strategies Adjuvant Therapy
J. Kirkwood Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This text examines the current status of tumor biology and host response mechanisms relating to major solid tumors, and focuses on the various types of immunological therapy currently available or in development. ... czytaj dalej

Cerebral Palsies Epidemiology
F. Stanley Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This is a totally new clinical text about the commonest physical disability - the cerebral palsies. It follows up on the authors' earlier work The Epidemiology of the Cerebral Palsies, and its focus is still... czytaj dalej

Regulating Social Europe
A. Lo Faro Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A large part of the legal debate about social integration has been focused on social dialogue, and in particular on the role of European collective arguments, as formerly regulated by the Maastricht Agreement... czytaj dalej

First Years of Human Chromosomes
P. Harper Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The year 2006 marks the 50th anniversary of the discovery of the human chromosome number. This book draws together the ground-breaking work of the main researchers in the key period 1955 to 1960. It is based... czytaj dalej

Encyclopedia Of Disability 5 vols
G. Albrecht Wydawnictwo: angielskie

SAGE Reference is proud to announce the Five-Volume set Encyclopedia of Disability. This encyclopedia represents the first attempt to bring an authoritative reference resource to the many faces of disability... czytaj dalej

On the Verge of Convergence
Henryk Domański Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Based upon comparative surveys and newly obtained data, Domanski's book provides a major contribution to the study of social transformation in Central and Eastern Europe after 1989. Focusing on Bulgaria, the... czytaj dalej

Healing Power of Sound Recovery from Life-Threatening Illnes
M. Gaynor Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A presentation of sound-based techniques for self-healing techniques that are designed for anyone to use, whether faced with a life-threatening disease or simply seeking relief from the stresses of daily life... czytaj dalej

Munich & Bavaria TSK 2e
Andrea Schulte-Peevers Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Discover fantasy castles and be charmed by medieval towns, explore ancient forests and climb the soaring Bavarian Alps. Or sample the world's best beers on a hops trail from Bamberg to Munich. Uncover the heart... czytaj dalej