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Inna Europa
Olędzka Frybesowa Aleksandra Wydawnictwo:

Jonasz jest młody wyszedł z brzucha wielkiej ryby młodszy o tysiąclecia jak w bezpiecznym raju na mało znanej mozaice akwilejskiej posadzki ręką dziś otwiera pułap zielonej altany...... czytaj dalej

Comics Since 1945
B. Wallker Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Newspaper comics arrive in millions of homes each day and make families laugh out loud. They're not only funny - they also reflect their times. In this collection, cartoon authority Brian Walker has amassed... czytaj dalej

Government of Risk Understanding Risk Regulation Regime
Ch Hood Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Why does regulation vary so dramatically from one area to another? Why are some risks regulated aggressively and others responded to only modestly? Is there any logic to the techniques we use in risk regulation... czytaj dalej

To Alcatraz Death Row & Back
Lopez Wydawnictwo: angielskie

When Ernie López was a boy selling newspapers in Depression-era Los Angeles, his father beat him when he failed to bring home the expected eighty to ninety cents a day. When the beatings became unbearable,... czytaj dalej

Storm Warriors
E. Carbone Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In 1895, after his mother's death, twelve-year-old Nathan moves with his father and grandfather to Pea Island off the coast of North Carolina, where he hopes to join the all-black crew at the nearby lifesaving... czytaj dalej

Early Christian & Medieval Antiquities v.1
John Osborne Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The drawings in this volume are from the Royal Collection, Windsor, and cover the mosaics and wallpaintings of early medieval churches in Rome and elsewhere as well as an assortment of unrelated antiquities. ... czytaj dalej

Anatomical Atlas of Acupoints
Y. Zhenguo Wydawnictwo: brak danych

A practical full-color photo atlas of acupuncture points; imposition of channels on human models offers an indispensable aid to accurate location of points for students and practitioners. Anatomical cross-sections... czytaj dalej

Artinian Modules Over Group Rings
L. Kurdachenko Wydawnictwo: inne

This book highlights important developments on artinian modules over group rings of generalized nilpotent groups. Along with traditional topics such as direct decompositions of artinian modules, criteria of... czytaj dalej

L. Jansky Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Focusing on the dispute between Hungary and Slovakia over a hydro-electric project on the Danube, this volume discusses environmental monitoring programmes and their usefulness in resolving transboundary water conflicts. ... czytaj dalej

Strings Branes & Extra Dimensions
S. Gubster Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book covers some recent advances in string theory and extra dimensions. Intended mainly for advanced graduate students in theoretical physics, it presents a rare combination of formal and phenomenological... czytaj dalej

Recenzje miesiąca
Fałszywa królowa
Mateusz Fogt
Ewa Hansen ;
Serce nie siwieje
Hanna Bilińska-Stecyszyn ;
Zranione serca
Urszula Gajdowska
Znajdziesz mnie wśród chmur
Ilona Ciepał-Jaranowska
Pies na medal
Barbara Gawryluk