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Modrzejewska życie w odsłonach
Józef Szczublewski Wydawnictwo: W.A.B.

"Dostawszy się do miasta, nic z tego wszystkiego, co mi się z dala tak pięknym wydawało, nie znalazłam, ale natomiast dużo brudu, miliony omnibusów, kolei żelaznych �a szyldów i anonsów takie mnóstwo... czytaj dalej

Empirically Valid Interventions for School Counselors
Parsons Wydawnictwo: inne

Counseling Strategies that Work targets the unique, day-to-day problems encountered by today's school counselor and provides a new perspective on treatment selection.  This text is an anthology of intervention... czytaj dalej

Connolly Wydawnictwo: inne

Take his hand and follow him into the darkness...John Connolly, bestselling author of five brilliantly scary mystery novels, now turns his pen to the short story to give us a dozen chilling tales of the supernatural... czytaj dalej

Four Artists of the Stieglitz Circle
R. Harnsberger Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Providing a detailed annotated bibliography and research guide to the Stieglitz Circle and four of its leading members - Arthur Dove, Marsden Hartley, John Marin, and Max Weber - this sourcebook offers a chapter... czytaj dalej

Black Valley
J. Brown Wydawnictwo: angielskie

An ingenious thriller whose chills do not stem from conventional horror -- but time gone haywire. Whitey Dobbs, a local roughneck laughs while being buried alive on Hawkins Hill. He thinks this is just an initiation... czytaj dalej

Risk Management & Financial Institutions
J. Hull Wydawnictwo: angielskie

John C. Hull's Financial Risk Management text is the only text to take risk management theory and explain it in a "this is how you do it" manner for practical application in today's real world. We... czytaj dalej

Introduction to Telemedicine
R. Wootton Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Exploring all the major aspects of telemedicine, and explaining what telemedicine is and why it is growing in importance, this book gives an introduction to the rapidly developing field of telemedicine. Whatever... czytaj dalej

Documentary Makers
D. Goldsmith Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A series of in-their-own-words interviews with 15 directors whose work has, in some way, extended the boundary of the documentary. They constitute a tiny proportion of those working in the field, but they represent... czytaj dalej

Designer & the Grid
L. Roberts Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Designer and the Grid reveals the key to the hidden driving force behind almost all graphic design: the grid. The book begins by reviewing its ubiquity in a cultural context before concentrating on the... czytaj dalej