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Beef Production & Management Decisions
R. Taylor Wydawnictwo: angielskie

For junior/senior level courses in Beef Production and Management. Based on the most recent scientific, demographic and financial data available, Beef Production and Management Decisions, Fifth Edition examines... czytaj dalej

War on Terrorism & American Empire
A. Colas Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This new study shows how the American-led 'war on terror' has brought about the most significant shift in the contours of the international system since the end of the Cold War. A new 'imperial moment' is now... czytaj dalej

Essentials of Organic Chemistry
P. Dewick Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Essentials of Organic Chemistry is an accessible introduction to the subject for students of Pharmacy, Medicinal Chemistry and Biological Chemistry. Designed to provide a thorough grounding in fundamental chemical... czytaj dalej

T. Pratchett Wydawnictwo: brak danych

'I thought: opera, how hard can it be? Songs. Pretty girls dancing. Nice scenery. Lots of people handing over cash. Got to be better than the cut-throat world of yoghurt, I thought. Now everwhere I go there's... czytaj dalej

Don Freeman Wydawnictwo: brak danych

A new character for Picture Puffin in the form of Corduroy, a lovable bear who is introduced in this book... czytaj dalej

Magic Tree House #06 Afternoon on the Amazon
M. Osborne Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This early chapter book series features a magical, book-filled tree house that transports two children back in time. "An entertaining blend of fact, farce and fantasy."-Booklist.... czytaj dalej

Magic Tree House #07 Sunset of the Sabertooth
M. Osborne Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This early chapter book series features a magical, book-filled tree house that transports two children back in time. "An entertaining blend of fact, farce and fantasy."-Booklist.... czytaj dalej

Indian Art A & I
Dehejia Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Indian subcontinent offers an amazing visual feast. Considering Indian art within a chronological framework, Vidya Dehejia analyses the great cities of the Indus civilization, the serene Buddha image, the... czytaj dalej

Instrumentation & Control Systems
W. Bolton Wydawnictwo: brak danych

In a clear and readable style, Bill Bolton addresses the basic principles of modern instrumentation and control systems, including examples of the latest devices, techniques and applications. Unlike the majority... czytaj dalej

Great Ape Odyssey
J. Goodall Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Mythologized since the days of Aristotle, few animals have captured the popular imagination as the great apes, here identified as gorillas, chimpanzees, bonobos, and orangutans. Yet, our understanding of these... czytaj dalej

Recenzje miesiąca
Fałszywa królowa
Mateusz Fogt
Ewa Hansen ;
Serce nie siwieje
Hanna Bilińska-Stecyszyn ;
Zranione serca
Urszula Gajdowska
Znajdziesz mnie wśród chmur
Ilona Ciepał-Jaranowska
Pies na medal
Barbara Gawryluk