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Kosciuszko We Are Here American Pilots of the Kosciuszko
J. Cisek Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This work presents the story of the Kosciuszko Squadron, a small group of American flyers that formed without the support of the State Department and the American Expeditionary Force in Europe. The goal was... czytaj dalej

Responsible Administrator
T. Cooper Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Cooper#8217;s fifth edition is the definitive text for students and practitioners who want to have a successful administrative career. Moral reasoning, as Cooper so adeptly points out, is essential in today#8217;s... czytaj dalej

Invention of Cuneiform
J. Glassner Wydawnictwo: angielskie

As the first known system of writing, the cuneiform symbols traced in Sumerian clay more than six millennia ago were once regarded as a simplistic and clumsy attempt to record in linear form the sounds of a... czytaj dalej

All Connected Now
W. Anderson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A vivid description of the cultural, political, economic, and environmental changes that globalization will bring to our world. Going beyond the narrow economic focus common to most books about globalization... czytaj dalej

Challenging the Big Brands
J. Evans Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Today we know Gateway, Federal Express and Virgin Atlantic Airline as market leaders, but once upon a time they were "challenger brands." Scores of books explore the business side of world-class branding... czytaj dalej

Basics of Traditional Chinese Medicine
S. Ziyin,Ch Zelin Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This is a comprehensive overview of the history, principles, and practices of traditional Chinese medicine. It covers the essential concepts and techniques, such as herbs, acupuncture, massage and Qigong breath... czytaj dalej

Levin Wydawnictwo: angielskie

What happens to girls with Cattitude? They might find themselves entering into Catrimony! Love is a battlefield. And who better to give advice on how to win than your favourite four-legged egomaniac. Here,... czytaj dalej

Internet Phone Services Simplified
Doherty Wydawnictwo: inne

One of the fastest-growing uses of the Internet is consumer Voice-over-IP services, allowing users to make and receive calls using high-speed broadband services, as an alternative to traditional phone services... czytaj dalej

Digital Multimedia Perception & Design
G. Ghinea Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Digital Multimedia Perception and Design provides a well-rounded synopsis of the state-of-the-art technologies in perceptual-based multimedia design. It is the only such book on the market, uniting cutting-edge... czytaj dalej

Heroes of the French Epic
M. Newth Wydawnictwo: brak danych

"The Chansons De Geste", poems offering a narrative of heroic deeds, provided the chief means of cultural and imaginative expression in the French language for over one hundred years, and its surviving... czytaj dalej