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How To Talk To Children About Art
F. Barbe-Gall Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The first children's art book for grown-ups. In everyday language this handy little book shows how to explain to children what to look for and how to enjoy paintings as diverse as a Renaissance religious scene... czytaj dalej

Plastic Surgery 8 vols
Mathes Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The most definitive source for plastic surgery is back. The second edition of this encyclopedic, 8-volume reference covers the complete spectrum of plastic surgery--from the basic principles to surgery of the... czytaj dalej

Punctuation (Better English) (Paperback)
N. Irvinq Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Full of clear and simple explanations, this series helps to unravel the rules and regulations of the English languageBright and lively illustrations make learning enjoyable for anyone trying to improve their... czytaj dalej

Diesel Engine
B. Challen Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The Diesel Engine Reference Book, Second Edition, is a comprehensive work covering the design and application of diesel engines of all sizes. The first edition was published in 1984 and since that time the... czytaj dalej

Social & Gender Analysis in Natural Resource Management
R. Vernooy Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"Social and Gender Analysis in Natural Resource Management" presents encounters with rural men and women in South Asian and Southeast Asian countries working for local and national governments and... czytaj dalej

Handling Qualitative Data
L. Richards Wydawnictwo: angielskie

`At the end of each chapter the author maps out the pragmatic steps required to progress a qualitative research study and the associated analysis of data. This is accompanied by experiential exercises,... czytaj dalej

Studies in Law Politics & Society v32
A. Sarat Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This volume of Studies in Law, Politics, and Society presents a diverse array of articles by an interdisciplinary group of scholars. Their work spans the social sciences, humanities, and the law. Those scholars... czytaj dalej

US Healthcare and the Future Supply of Physicians
E. Ginzberg Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This work examines the supply of health personnel in the USA. It considers the way it has been influenced by federal and state legislation, healthcare financing, the transformation of the hospital, managed... czytaj dalej

Memmler's the Human Body in Health & Disease
B. Cohen Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Ninth Edition of this best selling text stands up to its excellent reputation. Built on the strong features of previous editions, the new edition uses a systemic approach to normal and abnormal anatomy... czytaj dalej

Did the Children Cry
R. Lukas Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Based on eye-witness accounts, interviews, and prodigious research by the author, who is an expert in the field, this is a unique contribution to the literature of World War II, and a most compelling account... czytaj dalej