Addicted to Curry tom 19

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Addicted to Curry begins with a young schoolgirl named Sonezaki Yui. One day she encounters what looks like a half dead man in the middle of the road. Not knowing what to do she throws some food at him (so he can at least survive) and runs away. She then returns to her home, which is also her father's Ganesha Curry restaurant. The man who Yui encountered was Koenji Makito, who knew Yui's father Souichiro and was actually looking for him. Following Yui's scent Koenji finds her and the restaurant. Yui initially thinks Koenji is going to kill her for throwing food at him, but after they talk she finds out that he knew her father. Koenji then finds out that the restaurant is going out of business and that Yui's father go on journey to improve his curry cooking techniques. To repay Yui's father for helping him out Koenji decides to team up with Yui to save the curry restaurant.

Informacje dodatkowe o Addicted to Curry tom 19:

Wydawnictwo: inne
Data wydania: 2006-01-19
Kategoria: Komiksy
Liczba stron: 202
Tytuł oryginału: 華麗なる食卓 19
Język oryginału: japoński


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Addicted to Curry tom 9
Kazuki Funatsu0
Okładka ksiązki - Addicted to Curry tom 9

Addicted to Curry begins with a young schoolgirl named Sonezaki Yui. One day she encounters what looks like a half dead man in the middle of the road....

Addicted to Curry tom 17
Kazuki Funatsu0
Okładka ksiązki - Addicted to Curry tom 17

Addicted to Curry begins with a young schoolgirl named Sonezaki Yui. One day she encounters what looks like a half dead man in the middle of the road....

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