Great Graphics on a Budget

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What graphic designer hasn't heard, "we don't have much of a budget"? All too often this is the sad truth. Designers must not only come up with attention-grabbing ideas but, more frequently, do it with limited financial resources. It is relatively easy to come up with mind-blowing ideas when the sky's the limit, but when the sky falls, clever ideas are harder to come by. That's why Great Graphics on a Budget, now in paperback, is a must for every designer. Featuring more than 50 case studies, this book offers insights into the designers' thought processes and reveals how they have invented, discovered and recycled innovative ways to challenge not only the budget but the client and the creative brief too. It demonstrates that, regardless of resources, design and concept can remain strong and that a limited budget can even become a catalyst for some of the most creative designs produced.

Informacje dodatkowe o Great Graphics on a Budget:

Wydawnictwo: angielskie
Data wydania: b.d
Kategoria: Albumy
ISBN: 978-1-564969-48-4
Liczba stron: 0


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Great Graphics on a Budget - opinie o książce

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Agnieszka Rautman-Szczepańska
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Robert Michniewicz
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