Harvard Business Review on Organizational Learning

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Managers often find it difficult to keep up with the multitude of factors that impact learning and knowledge management in business. This helpful volume analyzes these factors, details better practices for organizational learning and offers strategies on how to control and manage company's knowledge to its fullest potential.The Harvard Business Review Paperback SeriesThe series is designed to bring today's managers and professionals the fundamental information they need to stay competitive in a fast-moving world. From the preeminent thinkers whose work has defined an entire field to the rising stars who will redefine the way we think about business, here are the leading minds and landmark ideas that have established the Harvard Business Review as required reading for ambitious businesspeople in organizations around the globe.

Informacje dodatkowe o Harvard Business Review on Organizational Learning:

Wydawnictwo: angielskie
Data wydania: b.d
Kategoria: Ekonomia
ISBN: 978-1-57851-615-5
Liczba stron: 0


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