Psyren tom 3

Ocena: 5 (1 głosów)
Ageha Yoshina just got transported to a warped alternate dimension where you've got to fight your way back to our world--or die trying. Dragon Ageha returns to the treacherous Psyren world, where he and his fellow players are instantly under attack. To survive, they’ll have to use every resource they can. But Ageha’s crew are showing signs of fever, meaning their psionic powers are awakening at the worst possible time!

Informacje dodatkowe o Psyren tom 3:

Wydawnictwo: inne
Data wydania: 2012-03-06
Kategoria: Komiksy
ISBN: 9781421536781
Liczba stron: 200


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Przeczytane:2016-10-06, Ocena: 5, Przeczytałam,
Inne książki autora
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Toshiaki Iwashiro0
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