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Baja California TSK 5e
A. Schulte-Peevers Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Just west of the Mexican mainland and south of the US border lies the Baja Peninsula - land of lovely beaches, remote deserts and crystalline waters. Whether you want to view ancient Indian rock art, surf off... czytaj dalej

Montaigne Essais 3
M. Montaigne Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"Lecteur, je suis moi-męme la matičre de mon livre" : c'est ce surprenant aveu de subjectivité qui ouvre l'un des textes les plus modernes de la littérature française, quoique l'un des plus anciens... czytaj dalej

Dictionaries of Medieval Germanic Languages
K. Oskam Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The last half-century has seen a large number of nationally-based or language-specific lexicographical projects. This volume is the fruit of comparative discussions on the majority of those projects which centre... czytaj dalej

Enhancing Recovery Preventing Underperformance in Athletes
Kellmann Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A guide for exercise scientists, coaches, and athletes who want to learn new ways to treat and prevent athletic overtraining and underperformance, this book draws on the fields of medicine, physiology, periodization... czytaj dalej

American Antique Furniture v 2
Edgar Miller Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Since its publication in 1937, this two-volume work has been the standard introduction and practical guide to the identification of American antique furniture of all styles and periods prior to 1840. The author... czytaj dalej

Moving Pictures
T. Pratchett Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The ninth 'Discworld' novel. The alchemists of the Discworld have discovered the magic of the silver screen, and the inhabitants of Ankh-Morpork achieve stardom as the cameras roll. But what is the dark secret... czytaj dalej

Walker Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The second novel written by the bestselling author of THE COLOUR PURPLEA Black woman who grew up amid prejudice and poverty in the South finds comfort and strength in the civil-rights movement. ... czytaj dalej

WITCH Chapter Book Illusions & Lies - Book #6
E. Lenhard Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Will, Irma, Taranee, Cornelia, and Hay Lin (W.i.t.c.h.) are five ordinary friends with an extraordinary secret: they each have the power to control a natural element-air, water, fire, earth, and finally, the... czytaj dalej

Konik Feliks
Fabisińska Liliana Wydawnictwo: Wilga

Zabawna opowieść o przygodach konika Feliksa. W czasie lektury dzieci mogą słuchać sympatycznego głosu bohatera. To wspaniała zabawa dla najmłodszych!... czytaj dalej

Co kto lubi
Masłowska Ewa Wydawnictwo: Print

Rozkładanka dla dzieci w wieku 3 lat.... czytaj dalej