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Sweet Year a Taste of The Jewish Holidays
A. Geras Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The Jewish year is blessed with many holidays, and each one has its special food. From Rosh Hashanah to Shavuot, from the Seder meal to the Sabbath meal, food celebrates the season and commemorates the miraculous... czytaj dalej

Electric Dreams - Designing for the Digital Age
D. Redhead Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Electric Dreams charts the seismic shifts that have transformed the monochrome product world of 1980s consumer electronics into a 21st-century landscape full of shape, colour and variety. It considers the economic... czytaj dalej

Understanding Hieroglyphs
H. Wilson Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Illustrated with dozens of line drawings, tables and maps, Understanding Hieroglyphs will enthral anyone who wants to have the satisfaction of actually being able to read some of the hieroglyphs which adorn... czytaj dalej

Bell Wydawnictwo: inne

If travelers are amazed by London prices and tired of featureless, corporate hotels, then they should try these special places. From delightful family homes to the Dorchester, with grand and groovy hotels in... czytaj dalej

Pillars of Creation
T. Goodkind Wydawnictwo: angielskie

FAITH OF THE FALLEN took The Sword of Truth into a new decade and onto new heights of intense, thoughtful and meaningful fantasy while never losing sight of the need to tell a compelling and sweeping story... czytaj dalej

Nur Du Hast Den Schlussel
T. Pratchett Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Der dritte Band in der erfolgreichen Reihe der Johnny-Maxwell-Bücher bietet jede Menge Spaß und Unterhaltung vom Meister der fantastischen und respektlosen Geistesblitze. Einmal mehr hebt Tony Pratchett in... czytaj dalej

Athletic Strength for Women
D. Healy Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This text provides conditioning advice and training techniques specific to the physiological, biomechanical and anatomical needs of female athletes. It features exercises and drills to increase strength, power... czytaj dalej

Personal & Emotional Competence
Rao Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Academic excellence may give a person excellent opportunities in life of work initially. But soon the employer shifts his attention from the qualification to qualities. This book shows the way to improve one's... czytaj dalej

Fractured Minds
Ogden Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"Fractured Minds" introduces the reader to clinical neuropsychology through vivid case descriptions of adults who have suffered brain damage. At one level, this is a book about the courage, humour... czytaj dalej

Financial Accounting
M. Jones Wydawnictwo: angielskie

About the Author. About the Book: Background, The Market, Scope, Coverage, Special Features. Second Edition. Acknowledgements. Dedication. 1. Introduction to Accounting. Introduction. Nature of Accounting... czytaj dalej