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Simon & Schuster Handbook for Writers
L. Troyka Wydawnictwo: angielskie

For Freshman-level writing courses, such as Freshman Composition, English Composition, First-Year Writing, Expository Writing or any course where students need help with the writing process, critical thinking... czytaj dalej

Sailing the Wine-Dark Sea Why the Greeks Matter
T. Cahill Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In the fourth volume of the acclaimed Hinges of History series, Thomas Cahill brings his characteristic wit and style to a fascinating tour of ancient Greece. The Greeks invented everything from Western warfare... czytaj dalej

Postern of Fate
A. Christie Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Tommy and Tuppence Beresford are just settling into their new home in a resort town when they come across a collection of children's books hidden away by a previous owner. One of the books bears the message... czytaj dalej

Conducting Research in Psychology
B. Pelham Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Pelham's text avoids the heavy scientific jargon commonly found in research methods texts. Instead, "Conducting Research in Psychology" features friendly prose, interesting examples, and delightful... czytaj dalej

C# Programming Evolution
Hoffman Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Readers learn real-world techniques in context and get a production quality application to use as a starting point for their own projects. Experience with C# programming in the .NET environment is one thing... czytaj dalej

Gamble House Greene & Greene
E. Bosley Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The 'Architecture in Detail' series comprises books that focus on individual buildings noted for their exceptional character, innovative design or technical virtuosity. Each volume contains a text by a respected... czytaj dalej

Political Theory of Recognition
S. Thompson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In recent years the political landscape has radically changed: established ideas about class, economy, nation and equality have been challenged by new politics of identity, culture, ethnicity and difference... czytaj dalej

WITCH Chapter Book The Light of Meridian - Book #7
E. Lenhard Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Will, Irma, Taranee, Cornelia, and Hay Lin (W.i.t.c.h.) are five ordinary friends with an extraordinary secret: they each have the power to control a natural element-air, water, fire, earth, and finally, the... czytaj dalej

Quick Reference Dictionary for Occupational Therapy
Jacobs Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Are you an occupational therapy professional who requires information at your fingertips or a student searching for quick answers to your questions? If so, then Quick Reference Dictionary for Occupational Therapy... czytaj dalej

Ważne i ciekawe Nauka i technika
Steve Parker Wydawnictwo: SBM

Znajdź odpowiedzi na ponad 70 pytań, które mogą pomóc Ci w zrozumieniu najważniejszych tematów z dziedziny nauki i techniki.... czytaj dalej