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European Union as a Global Actor
Bretheron Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book examines the emergence, role and future of the EU as an actor in world politics. It looks at the core areas of European foreign policy: economy; trade; the environment; development; common foreign... czytaj dalej

ECG Complete
Borg Wydawnictwo: inne

"ECG Complete" offers an uncomplicated but comprehensive account of all aspects of the ECG suitable for both the absolute beginner, as well as the more experienced reader requiring a definitive reference... czytaj dalej

Social Psychology
W. Stainton Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This introductory social psychology textbook is unique. It acknowledges the two very different approaches being taken to social psychology ż experimental and critical ż and presents them together in a single... czytaj dalej

Holland Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Toxocara is a parasitic helminth worm, which continues to stimulate both public concern and scientific interest. toxocara canis and T. Cati are gastrointestinal parasites of dogs and cats and their eggs can... czytaj dalej

Song Flung Up to Heaven
Maya Angelou Wydawnictwo: angielskie

It is 1964 and Maya Angelou is on her way back home, leaving behind her beloved - and now seriously teenage - son Guy, to finish university in Ghana. America is pulsing with the challenge of change, the civil... czytaj dalej

Humili‚s et Offens‚s
Fiodor Dostoyevsky Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Le premier grand roman (1861) de Dostoievski, alors âgé de quarante ans, écrit a son retour de Sibérie. Il a eu, depuis sa parution, plus de lecteurs que L'Idiot. Publié en feuilleton, c'est un roman d'aventures... czytaj dalej

Lasertherapie bei Vascularen Erkrankungen
Jens Grothewol Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Dieses Buch bietet eine praxisnahe, kompakte Anleitung zur Lasertherapie. Nach einer Einführung in die physikalischen Grundlagen wird systematisch aufgelistet, welche Laserart für welche Behandlung sinnvoll... czytaj dalej

At Edge of Space
M. Thompson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In At the Edge of Space, Milton O. Thompson, a pilot active in the X-15 program from beginning to end, tells the dramatic story of one of the most successful research aircraft ever flown. Initiated in the 1950s... czytaj dalej

R. Asplin Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

The wacky world of TV comedy is the background for Richard Asplin#8217;s blistering new novel. An American producer comes to London to discover the bright new talents on the stand-up scene -- part-comedy, part-thriller... czytaj dalej

Irving Fisher Critical Responses 3 vols
R. Dimand Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Irving Fisher was one of America’s greatest mathematical economists – and certainly one of the most colourful. During his career, he made numerous contributions to mathematical economics, capital theory, monetary... czytaj dalej