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Symmetries of Culture
Washburn Wydawnictwo: angielskie

An archaeologist and a mathmatician have collaborated to write this extremely useful guide to classifying plane pattern designs. It should benefit any researcher who describes and compares designs. The authors... czytaj dalej

White Paper Marketing Handbook
R. Bly Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This exciting new book is the first to tell marketers across industry how to create effective white papers using a variety of media, all the while building successful marketing campaigns to create interest... czytaj dalej

Engineering Materials Technology
Jacobs Wydawnictwo: angielskie

For courses in Materials Technology, Materials and Processes Technology, Materials Science and Technology, Industrial Materials, Composites and Ceramics, Non-Metallic Materials and Building Materials. The fifth... czytaj dalej

Teaching-And-Learning Language-And-Culture
Byram Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The recognition that cultural learning is an integral part of foreign language learning is quickly taking hold among language teachers. This book offers a practical introduction to the issues by providing descriptions... czytaj dalej

Bodleian Library Oxford v.2
Marshall Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book is the second in a continuing series of publications listing and identifying all illustrations contained in English manuscripts from the time of Chaucer to Henry VIII. This was a prolific period in... czytaj dalej

Fiodor Dostoyevsky Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Ce volume contient les oeuvres suivantes : Les Démons - Carnets des Démons - Les Pauvres Gens. Traduit du russe par Boris de Schloezer et Sylvie Luneau. Édition et introduction de Pierre Pascal.Chacun de vous... czytaj dalej

Medizinische Dokumentation
F. Leiner,W. Gaus,R. Haux Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Das Lehrbuch führt den Leser systematisch in die Grundlagen einer professionellen medizinischen Dokumentation ein. Es soll dabei helfen, medizinische Informationssysteme sinnvoll zu gestalten und zu nutzen... czytaj dalej

Artillery of the Dukes of Burgundy 1363-1477
Robert Smith Wydawnictwo: brak danych

"A major new exploration of the history and development of gunpowder weapons in the 15th century based on the artillery of the Dukes of Burgundy"--Provided by publisher. ... czytaj dalej

Bringing Down the House
B. Mezrich Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

Real-life all too rarely offers stories that are quite as satisfying as fiction. Bringing Down the House is one of the exceptions. Cheating in casinos is illegal; card-counting - making a record of what cards... czytaj dalej