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D. Steel Wydawnictwo: brak danych

In her fifty-fourth bestselling novel, DANIELLE STEEL weaves a compelling story of fame and friendship, charmed lives and private struggles...and of three very different men whose lives converge and collide... czytaj dalej

Leon Uris Wydawnictwo: brak danych

In Queen's Bench Courtroom Number Seven, famous  author Abraham Cady stands trial. In his book  The Holocaust --born of the  terrible revelation that the Jadwiga Concentration camp  was the site of his family's... czytaj dalej

Winslow Homer
R. Griffin Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In this exciting new monograph, Professor Griffin provides fresh insight into the life and work of one of America's most-famous and best-loved artists. The author places Homer against a background of American... czytaj dalej

Cinema Today
Edward Buscombe Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Cinema Today is a survey of world cinema and the films that have dominated our screens over the last thirty years. Written by Edward Buscombe, academic and leading authority on Western films, Cinema Today marks... czytaj dalej

Petrology Ingenous Sedimentary & Metamorphic
T. Blatt Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Petrology 3rd edition successfully builds upon the strengths of its predecessor, but now also includes fresh and engaging features to bring the book to the forefront of today's teaching. New chapters on Volcanism... czytaj dalej

Doing Business in Croatia
A. Jolly Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This handbook contains practical information and advice for international corporations and entrepreneurs wishing to do business with Croatia. The topics covered include: the business context; market potential;... czytaj dalej

Research in History of Economic Thought & Methodology sup.8
W. Samuels Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Supplement 8 contains an archival collection of Selig Perlman's eminent history of the labor movement, pertaining to Institutional Economics at the University of Wisconsin. Included are: Notes from students... czytaj dalej

Windows XP Home Edition
Faithe Wempen Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Take the Fundamental First Step to Mastering Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition! Learning how to use Windows has never been easier, thanks to the Sybex Simply Visual method of teaching. Now you can use this... czytaj dalej

State at War in South Asia
Barua Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Much research has been done on Western warfare and state building but very little on the military effectiveness of states, until now. Using South Asia as a case study, The State at War in South Asia examines... czytaj dalej

Corporate Governance & Globalization 3 vols
T. Clarke Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Compiled by a leading authority on Corporate Governance, this three volume set covers the major controversies in the field. Coherently presenting the arguments through bench mark articles and cutting edge papers... czytaj dalej