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Jahrbuch Fur Wissenschaft & Ethik v 11
L. Honnefelder Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This 11th volume of one of the most important German-language periodicals on ethics in science deals with the following topics: the search for a bio-ethic consensus in Europe, stem-cell research and embryo... czytaj dalej

Preclinical & Clinical Strategies for Treatment of Neurodege
T. Shibuya Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The phenomenal growth and development of the fields of neuroscience and neuropsycho-pharmacology over the past 20 years has produced an explosion of new information which has led to a better understanding and... czytaj dalej

Conflict & Consensus A Study of Values & Attitudes
T. Fahey Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This study presents a detailed comparison of cultural values and attitudes in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. It is based on survey data covering the period from the 1970s to 2003 but focusing... czytaj dalej

Free to Trade
M. Ridpath Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

London bond trader Paul Murray finds success beyond his dreams at a mega-million-dollar trading house, and maybe even the love of his life in his bold, irreverent colleague, Debbie Chater. Then Debbie's body... czytaj dalej

Scions of Shannara
T. Brooks Wydawnictwo: inne

Since the death of Allanon, life in the Four Lands has drastially changed. Yet Par Ohmsford still has some power of the Wishsong. And when a message from the ancient Druid, Allanon, reaches them, Par is ordered... czytaj dalej

Scorsese on Scorsese
I. Christie Wydawnictwo: angielskie

True to its title, this book offers Martin Scorsese in his own words. The result is an insight into a body of work that is the most personal achievement in modern American cinema. Scorsese proves himself to... czytaj dalej

True North
K. Lasky Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Because of the strong influence which her grandfather, an abolitionist, has in her life, fourteen-year-old Lucy assists a fugitive slave girl in her escape. ... czytaj dalej

Handbook of Modern British Painting & Printmaking 1900-1990
A. Windsor Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The "Handbook of Modern British Painting and Printmaking 1900-1990" has been designed for people who enjoy, study and buy British art. A portable dictionary-style guide to the life and work of modern... czytaj dalej

Atlas of Amputations & Limb Deficiencies
D. Smith Wydawnictwo: inne

This completely revised edition of the Atlas of Limb Prosthetics, the definitive reference work on the surgical and prosthetic management of acquired or congenital limb loss, retains the authority of the previous... czytaj dalej

Z uśmiechem przez wszystkie granice
Bogumiła Staniów Wydawnictwo: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego

Dziecięce książki przekraczają z uśmiechem wszystkie granice, nie ma dla nich celników ducha" - tak optymistycznie pisał Paul Hazard w jednej ze swoich książek. Zainteresowanie losami dzieł polskich autorów... czytaj dalej