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Picoult Wydawnictwo: inne

Cameron MacDonald has spent his life guided by duty. As the police chief of a small Massachusetts town that has been home to generations of his Scottish clan, he is bound to the town's residents by blood and... czytaj dalej

Workplace Communications The Basics
G. Searles Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Workplace Communications: The Basicsis the first text specifically intended for applied writing courses in community college and other settings where many students are academically under-prepared and therefore... czytaj dalej

Atlas of Normal Roentgen Variants That May Simulate Disease
Keats Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Get the latest update to a classic book that has proven invaluable for differentiating a normal image from a disease entity. For years, radiologists and residents as well as allied health professionals, have... czytaj dalej

As Far as the Eye Can Reach
Kimmel Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In 1803, at President Jefferson's request, Captains Lewis and Clark and their Corps of Discovery set out to explore beyond the newly purchased land of the Louisiana Territory to the western end of the continent... czytaj dalej

Handbook of Advanced Cancer
D. Schrijvers Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The treatment of patients who have advanced cancer presents a special set of problems, as not only does the cancer itself need to be treated, but the chemotherapy involved can often induce physical problems... czytaj dalej

Things to Translate & Other Poems
Peter Sommer Wydawnictwo: inne

Piotr Sommer... czytaj dalej

World Food Italy 1e
Matthew Evans Wydawnictwo: angielskie

To eat and drink in Italy is to be thrust - head reeling, heart pumping and mouth watering - into the heart of Italian life. A myriad of regional influences make up what we know as 'Italian cuisine' but what... czytaj dalej

Bodleian Library Oxford v.1
Digby Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In this new series of fascicles, all images contained in English Late Gothic manuscripts from libraries throughout the world will be catalogued according to a carefully prescribed template, described, classified... czytaj dalej

Movement System Variability
K. Davids Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Aimed at undergraduate and higher level courses in movement sciences, as well as specialists in motor behaviour and human movement. An in-depth, multidisciplinary analysis of literature for researchers in the... czytaj dalej

Practical Lean Accounting A Proven System for Measuring
B. Maskell Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Written for CFOs, controllers, accounting staff, and general managers, this book/CD-ROM guide offers a step-by-step method for transforming a manufacturing company's financial functions to support lean manufacturing... czytaj dalej