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Inmates Are Running the Asylum
A. Cooper Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Imagine, at a terrifyingly aggressive rate, everything you regularly use is being equipped with computer technology. Think about your phone, cameras, cars - everything - being automated and programmed by people... czytaj dalej

Moorish Style
Miles Danby Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In the nineteenth century a fascination with the Orient spread across Europe. The landscapes, townscapes and costumes of the Ottoman, Arab and Mogul worlds provided inspiration for painters from Delacroix to... czytaj dalej

ACT 2003
Kaplan Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Kaplan invests $5 million in research and development annually to guarantee that Kaplan students have the competitive edge. ... czytaj dalej

Dragons Modern Infestation
Pamela Wharton Blanpied Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Pre-medieval dragons are a staple of Western culture, familiar through bestiaries, folklore and the framework of meaning provided by the church. Dragons of the Modern Infestation, however, must be known through... czytaj dalej

Illustrated Beatus v 3
J. Williams Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Around the year 776, Beatus of Liebana compiled a commentary on the "Apocalypse", which has come down to us in 32 manuscripts and fragments, spanning the 9th to the 13th century. This is the third... czytaj dalej

Dog Owner's Handbook
G. Meadows Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This fully illustrated, practical and modern handbook is the perfect guide for today's dog owner. Written by top veterinarians and animal behaviourists Graham Meadows and Elsa Flint. This book is comprehensive... czytaj dalej

History of British Labour Law 1867-1945
Brodie Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In the UK the received wisdom has tended to be that, historically, British labour law was abstentionist or non-interventionist, best epitomised by the words of Lord Wedderburn who has written that "collective... czytaj dalej

Last Light
Scarrow Alex Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The first book in Blackstock's Restoration series literally begins with a bang: airplanes fall out of the sky in the opening paragraphs, at which point the novel's protagonists and readers become swept up in... czytaj dalej

My Favourite Wife
Parsons Tony Wydawnictwo: HarperCollins Polska

Hot shot young lawyer Bill Holden and his wife Becca move their four-year-old daughter to the booming, gold-rush city of Shanghai. It is a place of opportunity and temptation, where fortunes are made and foreign... czytaj dalej

Niewyjaśnione fakty II wojny światowej
Zasada Stanisław Wydawnictwo: Publicat

Niewyjaśnione fakty II wojny światowej - to poruszająca opowieść o tragedii ostatniej wojny, podczas której nie tylko znani politycy i wybitni dowódcy, ale także zwykli ludzie często stawali się bohaterami... czytaj dalej