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Horrible Harry Goes to the Moon
S. Kline Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Everyone in Room 3B is excited about their assignment to study the moon. So when Harry finds an ad for a used telescope, the class decides to have a bake sale to raise the money to buy it. Once they get the... czytaj dalej

Essentials of Managing Treasury
K. Horcher Wydawnictwo: angielskie

ESSENTIALS OF MANAGING TREASURY Treasury is the financial hub of an organization-a hub with many spokes. This concise reference describes each functional area within treasury and includes guidelines for best... czytaj dalej

Credit Risk Scorecards Developing
N. Siddiqi Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Praise for Credit Risk Scorecards "Scorecard development is important to retail financial services in terms of credit risk management, Basel II compliance, and marketing of credit products. Credit Risk... czytaj dalej

Unknown Soldier
G. Seymour Wydawnictwo: inne

Hidden in the empty vastness of the world... czytaj dalej

Sport Ethnography
Sands Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Sport Ethnography is a complete introduction and resource in the emerging discipline of sport ethnography. Written by Robert R. Sands, PhD, an anthropologist well versed in the use of the ethnographic method... czytaj dalej

Space & Power
Hirst Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Paul Hirst was one was one of the most original thinkers of his generation. This book is being published post-humously after his tragic death in 2003. Written with verve and lucidity, it is a scholarly account... czytaj dalej

Kaplan & Sadock's Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry 2 vol
Benjamin Sadock Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Throughout seven prior editions, Kaplan Sadock's Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry has defined the field of psychiatry. Every edition has received accolades from the highest levels of psychiatry, and established... czytaj dalej

Mastering Polish (2 Cassettes)
Juszczak Wydawnictwo: angielskie

These imaginative courses, designed for both individual and classroom use, assume no previous knowledge of the language.... czytaj dalej

Don Quixote
Acker Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Kathy Acker... czytaj dalej

M.A.K. Halliday Collected Works vol. 1 On Grammar
Halliday Wydawnictwo: inne

This first volume in a series presenting the collected works of Professor M.A.K. Halliday contains seventeen papers, including a new piece titled "A Personal Perspective" in which Professor Halliday... czytaj dalej