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Network Certification Study Guide
E. Clarke Wydawnictwo: angielskie

NEW coverage of wireless networking, gigabit Ethernet, and other wireless technologies Covers the latest hardware including CAT 6, SANs, NAS, and RAID Full details on Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Netware, and Linux... czytaj dalej

J. Moore Wydawnictwo: inne

dot.homme is a very lively, incident-packed, 450-odd pages, and it#8217;s a cogent demonstration that Jane Moore is a writer of imagination and skill #8211; as her earlier Fourplay (pun intended) showed. The... czytaj dalej

Clinical Retinopathies
Dodson Wydawnictwo: inne

This work presents an overview of all common retinopathies seen in clinical practice, together with a few rarer conditions. The text deals with the ophthalmological aspects of the subject, with a strong focus... czytaj dalej

Diagnostic Histopathology of Tumors 2 vols 3e
Fletcher Wydawnictwo: inne

Up to date and comprehensive, the New Edition of Fletcher's renowned Diagnostic Histopathology of Tumors provides you with today's best knowledge on the pathologic diagnosis of human tumors. This 3rd edition... czytaj dalej

Futures Bond Basis
M. Choudhry Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The 2nd edition of The Futures Bond Basis, is an updated and revised version of Professor Moorad Choudhry's succinct but in-depth look at the government bond futures contract basis. It includes essential background... czytaj dalej

You Can Always Sell More How to Improve
J. Pancero Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The sales manager's step-by-step guide to better team performance As an experienced sales manager, how do you improve your team's performance? Which selling skills, developed to their fullest potential, have... czytaj dalej

Handbook of ICU Therapy
I. McConachie Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This new, expanded and updated edition of Handbook of ICU Therapy builds on the success of the first edition and continues to provide concise information on a broad spectrum of issues relating to care of the... czytaj dalej

Politics & Power in Early Medieval Europe
H. Hummer Wydawnictwo: brak danych

How exactly did political power operate in early medieval Europe? Taking Alsace as his focus, Hans Hummer offers an intriguing new case study on localised and centralised power and the relationship between... czytaj dalej

Gentlemen & Players
J. Harris Wydawnictwo: inne

At St Oswald's ,an old and long-established boys'grammer school in the north of England,a new year has just begun.For the staff and boys of the school,a wind of unwelcome change is blowing.Suits,paperwork and... czytaj dalej

Medicines Management
Ronald Panton Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Managing a medicines budget has become increasingly complicated with factors such as rising costs and the constant supply of new drugs. This co-publication by BMJ Books and Pharmaceutical Press encompasses... czytaj dalej