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Old Testament
H. Amery Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A beautiful collection of 21 well-known and well-loved stories from the Old Testament, carefully retold so that even very young children can understand and enjoy them. Contains materials previously published... czytaj dalej

Encyclopedia of World Religions
K. Rogers Wydawnictwo: angielskie

An exploration of the beliefs, history and customs of the major world religions, as well as many less well-known faiths. It features: photographs and illustrations to help readers understand the faiths; explanatory... czytaj dalej

Essential Contact Lens Practice
J. Veys Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Specially designed and very practical in its approach, this book gives optometrists, contact lens practitioners and dispensing opticians a comprehensive grounding in the fundamentals of basic contact lens fitting... czytaj dalej

Children's Spaces
Dudek Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This collection of essays is concerned with the experiences children have within the supervised worlds they inhabit, as well as with architecture and landscape architecture. International examples of innovative... czytaj dalej

Bond Girls Are Forever
M. D`Abo,J. Cork Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The first official book highlighting the Bond girl phenomenon, by a Bond girl. How has the iconic status of the Bond girl endured for so long? Bond Women will explore how the archetype of the 'Bond girl' has... czytaj dalej

Oncology and Basic Science
Morris Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This volume of our Orthopaedic Surgery Essentials Series presents all the information residents need during orthopaedic oncology rotations and the essential basic science needed for board preparation, clinical... czytaj dalej

Hunger for Printed Word
D. Shavit Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A narrative of how libraries functioned as an important cultural life line for East European Jews during the years before World War II and beyond. Shavit narrates the stories of Jewish youth and families whose... czytaj dalej

Book that Was Lost
S. Agnon Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Stories depict the culture of traditional Jewish life in Poland, the lost world of Eastern European Jewry, and the emerging society of modern Israel. ... czytaj dalej

Merchant of Venice
Baker Wydawnictwo: inne

The Merchant of Venice has always been regarded as one of Shakespeare's most interesting plays. Before the nineteenth century critical reaction is relatively fragmentary. However between then and the late twentieth... czytaj dalej

NTC's Thematic Dictionary of American Idioms
R. Spears Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A reference to idioms. The idioms are grouped together according to theme. ... czytaj dalej