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Matt Adamczyk, partyzant, emigrant, działacz polonijny
Wincenty Kołodziej Wydawnictwo:

Książka prezentuje zmiany jakie dokonują się w Polonii Amerykańskiej jak i w organizacjach, które wyrażają jej interesy społeczno-ekonomiczne - jak i polityczne. Na przykładzie księgi życia naszego rodaka -... czytaj dalej

Blackstone's EC Legislation 2006-2007
N. Foster Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Designed specifically for students, "Blackstone's Statutes" lead the market in providing a carefully selected, regularly updated, and well sourced collection of legislation for the core subjects and... czytaj dalej

Lead Yourself Before Leading Others 2e
M. Cope Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Your personal success will come from the ability to manage two connected forms of leadership. How to:1. Lead Yourself - by having a clear understanding of the personal journey you wish to make and how it will... czytaj dalej

Small Town in Germany
J. LeCarre Wydawnictwo: inne

A thriller from the author of THE HONOURABLE SCHOOLBOY. London security officer, Alan Turner, is sent to locate a missing official from the British Embassy in Bonn, and the 43 confidential files that disappeared... czytaj dalej

Smiley's People
R. LeCarre Wydawnictwo: inne

The phone call that dragged George Smiley, once acting Chief of the Circus, from his bed, was a plea to return to active service. But only to bury the case, not to solve it. John le Carre is the author of "The... czytaj dalej

Physics of Chaos in Hamiltonian Systems
Zaslavskii Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This work aims to familiarize the reader with essential properties of the chaotic dynamics of Hamiltonian systems, avoiding special mathematical tools not typical for physics. It includes material on separatix... czytaj dalej

Captain of Death Story of Tuberculosis
Thomas Daniel Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The re-emergence of tuberculosis as a major American public health hazard has focused much attention on the ancient disease. This book offers a comprehensive account of the disease from prehistoric times through... czytaj dalej

Symbols of Freemasonry
D. Beresniak Wydawnictwo: inne

A synthesis of one of mankind#8217;s oldest existing secular brotherhoods. It is designed for the initiated and for newcomers interested in gaining a better understanding of this fascinating but often misrepresented society. ... czytaj dalej

Color Atlas of Human Anatomy v 1
Platzer Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A well-balanced combination of a clinical text, reference material and multicolor illustrations make this review of musculoskeletal anatomy eminently useful for students and practitioners alike. The new edition... czytaj dalej

Virtual Fabrication of Aluminum Alloys Microstructural Model
Hirsch Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book contains the results of an RD initiative of the European aluminum industry to apply modern modeling tools so as to develop new methods of virtual fabrication. An essential reference for scientists... czytaj dalej