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Shanghai city guide 3e
Damian Harper Wydawnictwo: angielskie

....From People's Sq metro station (exit No 2), start by walking west up Renmin Ave. Immediately on the right is the Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Hall, completed in 2000. In addition to the sign urging... czytaj dalej

Ringworld's Children
L. Niven Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Ringworld is dying. And this time even Louis Wu - captive of the hyper-intelligent alien Tunesmith - may be unable to save it. Even if Louis can escape he will then have to survive in a galaxy ravaged by... czytaj dalej

Wars of the Barbary Pirates
G. Fremont-Barnes Wydawnictwo: Osprey Publishing Ltd.

The Barbary War was the first war to be waged by the United States after gaining independence. ... czytaj dalej

Merlin Conspiracy
Jones Wydawnictwo: HarperCollins Polska

The story moves through several precariously linked worlds in vividly imagined episodes told alternately by Roddy and Nick, as their journeys begin to mesh. Part of the fun for the reader is sorting out Roddy's... czytaj dalej

Emergency Medical Responder
B. Aehlert Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Emergency Medical Responder: First Responder in Action, 1st edition by Barbara Aehlert, RN, will provide the first responder student with must-know information since most students are working professionals... czytaj dalej

S. May Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

'The Internationals clambered warily out of the plane. Many of the men and women emerging under the Republic's spring skies were in charge of budgets totalling more than the country's GNP...' Set in a Macedonian... czytaj dalej

Engineering Mechanics Statics & Stucy Pack FBD WB Package
Hibbeler Wydawnictwo: angielskie

  For introductory statics courses found in mechanical engineering, civil engineering, aeronautical engineering, and engineering mechanics departments. This best-selling text offers a concise and thorough presentation... czytaj dalej

Monster Motel
Florian Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Step inside the Monster Motel, where mostly monstrous monsters dwell. But be careful, you may find yourself having so much fun you'll never . . . ever . . . come . . . out! These original poems of endearing... czytaj dalej

History of Humanity v.4 Seventh to Sixteenth Century
Coll Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Volume IV of the History of Humanity takes a global perspective on the period between the seventh and sixteenth centuries, making special reference to indigenous civilizations in Asia, Africa, the Americas... czytaj dalej

EC Competition Law Handbook
C. Jones Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The annual edition of Sweet and Maxwell's renowned guide to EC Competition Law has become the commonly recognised reference point for any practitioner's or academic's analysis of EC competition law issues.... czytaj dalej